Assistant Commandant for Engineering and Logistics

Office of Environmental Management


Environmental Planning and Historic Planning

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires all Federal agencies to consider the impacts of proposed actions on the human environment and involve the public in the NEPA process. The Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EPHP) Team publishes all Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments of regional or national significance for public notice and comment. Interested parties can view recent draft and final NEPA documents below. Contact information for each project are included in each posting.

On April 23, 2019 CG-47 released the U.S. Coast Guard Environmental Planning Policy, COMDTINST 5090.1 (series) (EP CI) and the Environmental Planning Implementing Procedures (EP IP).  The EP CI mandates the use of the EP IP.  The two documents now align with the DHS NEPA policy, Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act, Department of Homeland Security Instruction Manual 023-01-001-01 (series) and replace the old Coast Guard National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Procedures and Policy for Considering Environmental Impacts, COMDTINST 16475.1D, which has been cancelled. The EP CI and IP include significant changes to the Coast Guard environmental planning process and provide improved policy and procedures for complying with both NEPA and Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions, Executive Order (EO) 12114.  Coast Guard members engaged in environmental planning efforts or taking actions that trigger NEPA or EO 12114 requirements must read both the EP CI and IP in order to implement their requirements effectively.  Significant changes from COMDTINST M16475.1D included in the EP CI and IP include but are not limited to:

  • Policy and procedures on the requirements of EO 12114.
  • Pre-planning process and notification requirements for NEPA and EO 12114.
  • Timing of compliance with other related environmental mandates (ESA, NHPA, etc.).
  • Requirements to track and report mitigation and monitoring commitments.
  • Requirement to establish formal agreements for providing environmental planning support.
  • Specific guidance for both the acquisitions and shore facilities management programs

Policy Documents

USCG Environmental Planning Policy, COMDTINST 5090.1

Environmental Planning Implementing Procedures for COMDTINST 5090.1 Environmental Planning Policy

Waterways Commerce Cutter Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

CG-9327, Waterways Commerce Cutter Program Office


The United States Coast Guard (Coast Guard) prepared this Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DPEIS) to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Coast Guard identified its need to address the current and long-term mission demand with a reliable and operationally available presence to accomplish assigned maritime aids to navigation (ATON) missions and provide consistent and reliable presence in the Inland Waterways and Western Rivers (IW&WR). Thirty-five cutters, 27 barges, and a variety of support boats serve as the primary means of ATON maintenance and construction in the IW≀ however, these assets, henceforth referred to as the “existing inland tender fleet,” have all exceeded their operational service life. The Proposed Action would allow the Coast Guard to acquire and operate a planned 30 Waterway Commerce Cutters (WCC), thereby enabling the safe navigation of waters that support the nation’s economy through maritime commerce and recreation. The following four Alternatives were analyzed in the DPEIS:


  • The No Action Alternative included the fulfillment of the Coast Guard’s missions in the IW&WR using the existing inland tender fleet, each vessel of which is reaching the end of its service life.
  • Alternative 1 (Preferred Alternative, referred to as the “Proposed Action”) included the construction and operation of a planned 30 WCCs to fulfill ATON mission requirements in the IW&WR.
  • Alternative 2 included the acquisition of fewer Coast Guard owned and operated systems, including the exploration of a hybrid government and contracted options for mission performance.
  • Alternative 3 included the use of a mixed fleet—a combination of cutters and shore-based assets (including Aids to Navigation team units), implementation of electronic ATON, and use of contracted ATON services to achieve Coast Guard ATON missions throughout the IW&WR.


    In this DPEIS, the Coast Guard broadly analyzed potential impacts on physical, biological, and socioeconomic environmental resources resulting from proposed activities under the alternatives. Evaluated resources included: air quality; ambient sound; bottom habitat and sediment; water quality; riverine vegetation; marine vegetation; insects; aquatic invertebrates; amphibians; fish; essential fish habitat; birds; terrestrial mammals; marine mammals; commercial fishing; coastal marine construction; mineral extraction; oil and gas extraction; recreation and tourism; renewable energy; transportation and shipping; and subsistence hunting and fishing.