The Flag Voice was originally started by then RADM Loy, Chief, Office of Personnel in 1992. It began as a means for the chief of Human Resources (HR) for the Coast Guard to communicate with other Flag Officers and senior civilians about the HR issues facing the work force. This in turn allowed the "Flags" to be more informed as they had opportunities to speak with their crews around the country. It has now evolved into one of the main venues for communicating information about important issues directly to all members of the Coast Guard, down to the "deck plates."
It is the intention of CG-1 to keep up this tradition and use the Flag Voice to speak with you about important changes and/or upgrades to the many facets of the HR system that supports you. They will generally be brief and to the point and may direct you to more in-depth information contained in areas of the CG-1 web presence or other entities that are part of this system (e.g. TRICARE's web sites).
We ask all of you to help in this endeavor by giving these Flag Voices the widest possible dissemination. It's a function of leadership to "carry the word forward." Look out for your shipmates and ensure they have seen and understand the information and discuss it as appropriate.
Brian K. Penoyer
Rear Admiral, U. S. Coast Guard
Assistant Commandant for Human Resources