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Office of Employee Engagement and Culture LogoOffice of Employee Engagement and Culture (DCMS-DPR-4)


Affinity Groups Program

Personnel who lead and take part in affinity groups/ employee resource groups are strategic partners to the Coast Guard and play a vital role in ensuring an inclusive environment where all are valued, included, and empowered to succeed. Affinity group events offer numerous opportunities for mentoring, networking, and professional development.

The Office of Employee Engagement and Culture manages the Coast Guard's Memorandums of Understanding with affinity groups/ employee resource groups. 

Affinity groups/ employee resource groups are voluntary, employee-led groups whose aim is to foster an inclusive workplace aligned with the mission, vision, and values of the organizations they serve. The groups typically exist to provide support and help in the personal and career development of its members.

How do I get started?

Interested in learning more about Affinity Groups, please contact "Coast Guard's Affinity Group Program Manager" at comdt-cg-1d1@uscg.mil