R 18 MAR 20 BT UNCLAS //N01321// ALCGPSC 035/20 SUBJ: AY20 RESERVE CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS – FINAL A. COMCOGARD PSC Washington DC / ALCGPSC 031/20 B. RESERVE POLICY MANUAL, COMDTINST M1001.28C 1. The AY20 IDPL Captain Assignment Panel has adjourned following final approval of the assignments noted in REF A. 2. PCS orders will be issued NLT 01 April 2020, and officers shall execute their orders with their SPO. The provisions of Articles 7-A-12 and 5-F of REF B apply unless otherwise prescribed by the Panel. Officers marked with (FR) will be frocked to the grade selected upon departure from their current duty station if not already promoted. 3. IDPL Captain Assignment Panel members: Name Unit RADM A. S. McKinley, USCGR CG-DCO-SRO RADM M. P. Ryan, USCG CG CYBER COMMAND RDML J. M. Kelly, USCGR CG-00 RDML T. C. Wiemers, USCG CG-R 4. RADM A. S. McKinley, Panel President, sends. 5. Internet release authorized. BT