23 AUG 19 BT UNCLAS //N01301// ALCGRSV 045/19 SUBJ: RESERVE JUNIOR ENLISTED (E6 AND BELOW) ASSIGNMENT YEAR 2020 (AY20) KICKOFF ANNOUNCEMENT A. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28 (series) 1. This message announces the AY20 Reserve assignment season kickoff and provides important guidelines and information for Reserve Junior Enlisted personnel (E6 and below) competing for assignment, their command cadre or supervisors, and Reserve personnel at large. Supplemental information on the assignment process, including The Reserve Junior Enlisted Assignment Guide, is available on the PSC-RPM website: http://www.dcms.uscg.mil/psc/rpm/rpm- 2/Assignments. Request widest dissemination of this message. 2. AY20 Assignment Candidates: a. Members who have been assigned to the same unit for more than five (5) years and desire a new assignment may submit an e-resume. b. Members who relocate their primary residence to a location beyond a Reasonable Commuting Distance (RCD) to their current assignment must submit an e-resume, regardless of rotation date. Command endorsements are required. Continuing in a current assignment is an available option, but other assignment preferences must be included in the e-resume. c. Members serving on long term ADOS orders that terminate in 2020 are highly encouraged to apply for a SELRES assignment. Members who do not apply for assignment will be transferred to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). Members in the IRR may request a change in Reserve Component Category (RCC) and compete for positions at anytime. 3. Reasonable Commuting Distance: REF A, Article 5.C. describes policy regarding RCD. If there are no vacant positions available within RCD, members may voluntarily accept assignment to positions outside of the RCD. 4. Members who will voluntarily accept orders beyond RCD shall include the following statement in their e-resume member comments: “I, (rank and name) on (date), understand the Reasonable Commuting Distance (RCD) policy stipulated in COMDTINST M1001.28 (series), and will voluntarily accept orders beyond RCD.” 5. IAW REF A, Article 5.E.1., members may be assigned to a Deployable Specialized Forces (DSF) unit without their consent if they live within RCD of these units and not enough qualified volunteers are identified. Members who have not been assigned to a DSF unit during their career are strongly encouraged to apply. Members who have been assigned to a DSF unit for more than 5 years may apply for reassignment through the normal assignment process. 6. Members who decline orders are subject to a transfer to the IRR, Standby Reserve, or may request retirement or separation, IAW REF A, Article 5.A.10. 7. Members who request a new SELRES assignment in AY20 must comply with the timeline in paragraph 10. E-resumes submitted outside of the submission period will only be considered based on the following: a. Member is relocating and their new residence is outside RCD. b. Member is requesting a critical fill assignment (e.g., PSU, Strike Team) within RCD. 8. Junior enlisted personnel shall consider all positions applicable to their rating, within RCD, as assignment options when crafting DA e-resumes. Junior enlisted shopping lists will be generated and only available in DA. Members are strongly encouraged to contact their Assignment Officer (AO) to make certain that all possible assignment options are explored. For e-resume guidance refer to the CG PPC DA II website at: http://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Portals/10/CG- 1/PPC/GUIDES/GP/SelfService/Member/Se lf%20Service%20-%20eResume.pdf. To ensure that an e-resume endorsement is completed on time, members should notify their command when an e- resume requiring command endorsement has been submitted. The current version of DA will not notify the endorser of the request and does not allow late e-resume submission. 9. For assignment guidance refer to the PSC-RPM website denoted in paragraph 1. 10. AY20 Junior Enlisted Assignments Plan of Action and Timeline: a. 1 Sep 19: Potential shopping lists available in DA for unit validation. b. 13 Oct 19: Command Concerns and shopping list corrections due to PSC-RPM-2. c. 14 Nov 19: Shopping lists released and available in DA. d. 14 Nov 19 – 13 Jan 20: E-resume submission period. e. 14 Nov 19 - 13 Jan 20: AOs available for assignment counseling. f. 13 Jan 20: Deadline for members to submit e- resumes. g. 13 - 30 May 20: PCS orders released in DA, available to units in DA airport terminal. h. 30 Jun 20: Requests to retire or separate in lieu of orders due to PSC-RPM. i. 1 Oct 20: Effective date for AY19 assignments. 11. Assignment officers: a. CGD ONE Junior Enlisted assignments: YNCM Andray James,(202) 795-6531, Andray.S.James@uscg.mil. b. CGD FIVE and SEVEN Junior Enlisted assignments: MAT4 Donald Slowik, (202) 795-6503, Donald.J.Slowik@uscg.mil. d. CGD EIGHT and NINE Junior Enlisted assignments: YNCS Otmane Karim, (202) 795-6521, Otmane.Karim@uscg.mil. e. CGD ELEVEN, THIRTEEN, FOURTEEN, and SEVENTEEN Junior Enlisted assignments: YNCS Angelica Ingham, (202) 795- 6526, Angelica.L.Ingham@uscg.mil. 12. CAPT Michael W. Batchelder, Chief, PSC-RPM, sends. 13. Internet release authorized.