Assignment Incentive Pay Remote & Austere Conditions
Two 47-foot response boats are docked in front of the new Coast Guard Station Menemsha boat house on Martha’s Vineyard in Chilmark, Mass., March 31, 2015. The boat house replaces the previous boathouse that was destroyed in a fire in 2010. (U.S. Coast Guard Photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Rob Verdone)


This topic provides the SPO/PSI data entry technician with general information and links to step-by-step procedures to properly record entitlement to Assignment Incentive Pay Remote & Austere Conditions.


The information in this topic is provided to help you familiarize you with Assignment Incentive Pay Remote & Austere Conditions entitlement rules and terms. This information is only introductory. Refer to the references list below for official guidance on this entitlement. 

AIP-RAC is a special pay intended to encourage active duty military personnel to volunteer for difficult- to-fill assignments by providing an incentive to partially defray essential personal expenses that may otherwise prevent a member from pursuing such assignments. 


(a)  Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29 (series)
      Note: Refer to ACN 015/22 until the Pay Manual is updated with AIP-RAC
(b)  Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.6, Chapter 8, Section D


AIP-RAC may be paid to active duty officer and enlisted members entitled to Basic Pay under  37 U.S.C. 204  who perform permanent duty at a designated remote or austere assignment in the Continental United States (CONUS).

Commandant (CG-13) designates Coast Guard units for AIP-RAC purposes. Designated AIP-RAC unit status must be annually re-validated in a process managed by Commandant (CG-133). 

Effective Date

AIP-RAC authorized effective March 1, 2022.

Payment Restrictions

In relation to other pays, AIP-RAC is in addition to any pay, allowance, special pay, incentive pay, or any other monetary benefit to which the member might otherwise be entitled, 


AIP-RAC is taxable income for federal and state tax purposes, but is not subject to Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Tax.

Computation of Lump-Sum Leave, Retired Pay, Bonuses, Continuation Pay, Separation Pay, or Disability Severance Pay

AIP-RAC is not included in the computation of sale or settlement of unused accrued leave, Retired Pay, reenlistment bonus, Continuation Pay, Separation Pay, or Disability Severance Pay. 

AIP-RAC Start Date

Entitlement to AIP-RAC starts on the authorization date and may not be paid retroactively.

AIP-RAC Stop Date

Entitlement to AIP-RAC stops when a member:

a. Is no longer assigned to a unit for which AIP-RAC is authorized;
b. Is discharged or released from active duty;
c. Is confined as a result of a court-martial sentence; 
d. Is absent without leave;
e. Is on a TDY assignment where the member is not performing duty at the unit for which AIP-RAC is authorized for more than 90 days. Such members may receive AIP-RAC through the 90th day of TDY;
f. Departs on a PCS order from an assignment where AIP-RAC is authorized, in which case AIP-RAC stops the day prior to the date of departure from the assignment; 
g. Departs the vicinity of a unit for which AIP-RAC is authorized, with no expectation of return prior to separation or retirement (e.g., leave or administrative absence);
h. At the discretion of a member's commanding officer or officer-in-charge when it is determined that continuation of AIP-RAC is no longer appropriate; 


The monthly rates of AIP-RAC will vary based on each assignment. 

Commandant (CG-1) will approve AIP-RAC payment levels based on the additional costs one is reasonably expected to incur during a remote or austere assignment. 

Authorization, change, or termination of designated units and/or rates will be announced via message. 

The following designated units and associated monthly rates of AIP-RAC are authorized for permanently assigned personnel who reside within the Military Housing Area (MHA) for their unit:

Designated Unit Rate (With Depns.) Rate (Without Depns)
STA Brand Point $500 $325
STA Menemsha $200 $130

AIP-RAC Procedures

AIP-RAC entry procedures are contained in the Assignment Incentive Pay SPO/PSI user guide. The guide can be accessed via the Direct-Access User Guides web page, in the SPO/PSI Pay section.


U. S. Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center

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