This section is used to identify and notify all users of any known issues for Direct Access. All user guides and materials are dated and annotated with the last date of revision upon posting. Change or update requests regarding guidance can be sent to:
Self Service “Address (Home and Mailing)” Functionality - If you have your “Accessibility Layout” set to “Screen reader mode on”, you may get an error stating “Invalid grid column name MAIL_MAILADDRESS1.” To bypass this error, ensure your screen reader mode is turned off by doing the following:
1. On top right hand of screen select “Actions (it is the icon with 3 circles)”.
2. Then “My Preferences”. The “General Settings” tab should by default load.
3. Under “General Options”, in the “Accessibility Layout” field, select “Screen reader mode off”.
4. Then click save.
Change Password Workaround: Passwords and Set up/Update Security Questions
KNOWN ISSUE FOR SELF SERVICE AIRPORT TERMINAL - Some Self-Service members are currently unable to View Orders in Direct Access. This has been reported and is being addressed with no estimated timeline for correction. All SPO/PSI personnel are still able to View/Print Orders. Please contact your local YN for assistance. We apologize to all for the inconvenience!
DA Excel Workaround - This guide provides the procedures for opening an Excel document in Direct Access (DA) when you receive an error message.
Converting a .csv file to an .xls file - This guide provides the procedures for how to convert files in a comma separated or pipe separated (.csv) format to an .xls format.