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USCG Pay & Personnel Center             

Customer Care Branch (CCB)


Direct Access is limited access only due to unscheduled maintenance.

We will update this message when we receive additional information.

The Pay and Personnel Center (PPC) Customer Care Branch is receiving a high volume of phone calls and email inquiries from customers indicating Direct Access is down, timing out, or not accessible. If you or your members are experiencing any of the below error codes, please submit your concerns to C5ISC via CGFIXIT Ticket with a screenshot of the error code along with the IP Address you are attempting to log into DA from. PPC is unable to resolve Direct Access connectivity and system issues.

Errors identified:

  • Spinning circle
  • DA Link is timing out
  • 404 Error code
  • Authorization Error – Contact your Security Administrator
  • Hmmm… Can’t reach this page


The password reset function in Direct Access doesn’t function as designed. The loss of functionality is a result of Direct Access’s migration to a cloud provider’s servers.  We apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, the Pay and Personnel Center (PPC) does not have oversight of Direct Access functionality. PPC has made the C5I Service Center aware of the degradation in password reset functionality.  The C5I Service Center is working diligently to correct this issue. Please submit a trouble ticket for a password reset to ppc-dg-customercare@uscg.mil

If your email address is NOT present or is incorrect, you will not be able to use the self-service password reset feature. Your business email address in DIRECT ACCESS must be added to the system or corrected.  Active duty and Reserve members must contact your P&A office or Servicing Pay Office (SPO) for assistance to update. 

Please note: Customer Care will no longer send password resets for active/reserve military members or civilian employees to personal email addresses. All password resets will be sent to USCG.MIL email addresses only. Do not submit multiple requests.  Please allow 5 days upon submission for response. 

Guide: Passwords and Set up/Update Security Questions


At present, for temporary, permanent, VA offset, AEW’s, CRDP, and CRSC disability, we are encountering a processing delay due to systematic issues and a shortage of personnel. You remain our primary concern. We want to assure you that we are fully committed to resolving these issues promptly and handling your cases with utmost proficiency.

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Customer Service Feedback

How are we doing?

Mailing Address:

Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724
0730-1600 (Central time) M-F



Web Content Manager 

Feedback button

CCB Resources


Welcome to the Customer Care Branch (CCB) page!

We hope you find the new format easier to navigate and the information better assembled for all your customer service needs. On this CCB OVERVIEW tab, you will find basic information about CCB and each topic tab the instruction required to assist you. 


(866) 772-8724
0730-1600 (Central Time) M-F



smiley To ensure a positive experience for everyone, we kindly ask that all interactions with our technicians be conducted respectfully.

enlightened Please note our Ticket System does not reply with an assigned number.

yes Per the Department of Homeland Security Handbook for Safeguarding Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information, we are not able to provide password resets via telephone. 

mail To ensure the safety and security of our service member and civilian employee accounts, Customer Care will no longer send password resets for active/reserve military members or civilian employees to personal email addresses. All password resets will be sent to USCG.MIL email addresses only.

Customer Care Inquiries

NOTE: PPC Call Center Technicians are prohibited from performing most inquiries.

All Active Duty and Reserve members requesting PPC assistance must submit a PPC Customer Care Ticket. Customers are directed to contact their P&A Office for any errors or questions on pay and/or personnel issues. If the P&A Office is unable to resolve it, the P&A Office is to contact the servicing SPO. If the servicing SPO is unable to resolve the issues, the SPO will contact PPC. 

Travel Inquiries

NOTE: PPC Customer Care Call Technicians do not have the ability to unlock any users accounts.

Any member with travel related inquiries will need to contact your local Travel AO. If unable to resolve the inquiry, your Travel AO must submit a PPC Customer Care Ticket for assistance. 

Retiree/Annuitant Inquiries

NOTE: PPC Call Center Technicians are prohibited from performing most inquiries.

mail Retiree FastPass Now Available! To avoid a wait time, Retirees/Annuitants can now submit a PPC Retiree FastPass ticket.

We assist customers by getting issues identified and elevated and creating trouble-tickets for review and action forwarded to the Retired Annuitant Services (RAS) branch.  You may also submit an email that feeds into the trouble ticket system. Direct Access Self Service remains the most secure and efficient means of managing your account. Guides and resources can be found here: Pay and Personnel Center (PPC), Retiree and Annuitant Services (uscg.mil)

Frequently Asked Questions and Resources

yes Agency Forms & Worksheets - All available CG and DD forms can be found by visiting Forms & Worksheets. 

yes CG-3307 Administrative Remarks Forms and Templates - All authorized CG-3307 forms and blank templates can be found by visiting CG-3307 Templates.

yes Estimated Earnings & Catch 62 - Please visit the Advancements page under Earnings for more information. 

yes Member Service Records - Personnel Service Center - Business Operations Division

COMDTINST M1080.10 (series) outlines the policies and authorized content of your CGMHRR, which includes your Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). The CGMHRR Section is responsible for all Active-duty officer and enlisted and Reserve officer and enlisted CGMHRR records IAW NARA guidelines and USCG policy. 

The Coast Guard Military Human Resource Record (CGMHRR) documents your career, meets legal requirements, serves as the record to justify Human Capital Management (HCM) transactions, and answers audit questions while you are a member of the Coast Guard.  Your CGMHRR was composed by combining 3 geographically separated records:

1.The Servicing Personnel Office (SPO) Personnel Data Record (PDR) which was maintained by your assigned SPO, contained various documents about your career, and primarily functioned as the source document repository to justify your pay and benefits.

2.The UNIT PDR was maintained by your Unit and functioned as a “working” copy of your SPO PDR in situations where underway missions were too lengthy and distant.

3.The Electronically Imaged (EI) PDR was maintained by Head Quarters in an electronic system and functioned as your Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). 

On October 31st, 2022, the USCG delivered a federally compliant electronic records management system called the “interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System” (iPERMS).  On November 29th, 2023, the USCG activated the Defense Personnel Records Information Retrieval System (DPRIS), which allows the Veteran’s Affairs Office direct access to view records retained in iPERMS.  On February 23, 2024, DPRIS also turned on the capability for veterans to access their CGMHRR though MILCONNECT.

Contact Information for Military Records: Email: MR_CustomerService@uscg.mil


If you separated on/after this date or remain an active or reserve member:

1.Your record electronically available at https://iperms.mymilrecord.uscg.mil/, OR https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/ using DSLOGON.

2.The VA should use DPRIS if they need to review documents.


If you separated before October 1st, 2006:

1.Your CGMHRR is in paper format and located at the National Personnel Record Center http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/

2.The separated member or the VA will need to contact them directly to review documents. 

MEDICAL RECORDS (CAC REQUIRED): Medical Administration Division - Central Cell (sharepoint-mil.us)

How do I obtain a Health Record once it has been shipped to the National Archives Records Administration after discharge, separation, or retirement for: 

Periods of service before October 2019:

a. Request a medical record from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) or the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC):

Records may be requested using the NARA eVets Recs website or the NPRC website  

b. By calling the NARA customer service line: (314) 801-0800.

How do I obtain a Health Record once it has been shipped to the Coast Guard Contractor after discharge, separation, or retirement for:

Periods of service after October 2019:

Contact: HSWL SC Records Processing Center (RPC)

yes Official Pay Dates & Support

The official military paydays are the 1st (end-month) and the 15th (mid-month) of each month, or the business day preceding the 1st or the 15th if either should fall on a federal holiday, Saturday or Sunday. Please visit Military Accounts Support for more information. For information regarding Retiree paydays, please visit RAS Webpage.

yes Servicewide Exam and Advancement Questions - Please find all relevant information regarding SWE questions on the PPC Advancements Page.

yes Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Questions - Visit MAS Pay Rates & Benefits for information on participating in the TSP.

yes W-2 Forms & 1099R Information 

  • W-2: Please visit our Separations page for all W-2 information.
  • 1099R: You can download IRS Form 1099, dating back to 2013, and IRS Form 1095 (Affordable Health Care Act, Health Coverage) using Direct Access (DA) Self-Service


Password Information & Guidance

Note: Per the Department of Homeland Security Handbook for Safeguarding Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information, we are not able to provide password resets via telephone. 

mail For those who have tried to use the Forgot Password feature and have been locked out of DA, please email:

PPC-DG-CUSTOMERCARE@USCG.MIL (click email address for template of required information) to request a temporary password. Do not submit multiple requests.  Please allow 5 days upon submission for response. 

enlightened NEW GUIDANCE: Passwords and Set up/Update Security Questions (click for guide)

yes To ensure the safety and security of our service members and civilian employee accounts, Customer Care will no longer send password resets for active/reserve military members or civilian employees to personal email addresses. All password resets will be sent to USCG.MIL email addresses only. If your email address is not present or is incorrect, you will not be able to use the self-service password reset feature until your Business email address has been added to the system or is corrected. Contact your P&A office or Servicing Pay Office (SPO) and ask them to update your address for you. They can perform this service for all Coast Guard personnel (Active Duty, Reservists and Civilians). Contractors and other non-USCG personnel/employees may contact PPC Customer Care for assistance. 

yes Enhanced password controls were recently implemented in Direct Access to meet audit requirements.  Passwords must now be 15 characters in length, have a least 1 special character, 1 number, 1 upper case, and 1 lower case.  Passwords will expire every 35 days.  DA will remember your last 9 passwords (must use new password when resetting).  Accounts will lock (for 20 minutes) after 3 failed login attempts. 

For internal users (CAC Access) please visit CCB SharePoint Page for more information. 

Password Reset Guidance

During a recent Direct Access (DA) system upgrade, the forgot password security question "What is your mother's maiden name?" was disabled in DA to reduce the possibility of a compromise of personally identifiable information (PII). For users who originally chose this as a security question, the hint question will now default to "What town were you born in?" but the ANSWER IS STILL what the user originally established for "What is your mother's maiden name?

enlightened EXAMPLE: "What is your mother's maiden name?Answer: Smith "What town were you born in?" Answer: Smith

It is recommended that users who originally selected "What is your mother's maiden name?" as their Forgot Password security question, log into DA and follow the user guide below to change the security question, answer, or both.

enlightened NEW GUIDANCE: Passwords and Set up/Update Security Questions (click for guide)

For additional Self-Service guidance on Passwords and all other actions available for members, please visit the following User Guide Resources below:


Submitting PPC Customer Care Trouble Tickets for Retirees / Annuitants


(866) 772-8724
0730-1600 (Central Time) M-F



enlightened Please note our Ticket System does not reply with an assigned number and PPC Call Center Technicians are prohibited from performing most inquiries.

mail NEW: Retiree FastPass Now Available! To avoid a wait time, Retirees/Annuitants can now submit a PPC Retiree FastPass ticket.

yes Direct Access Retiree Self Service User Guides - Retired Direct Access Global Pay Self Service

The Pay and Personnel Center (PPC) is committed to protecting customer information. The PPC Call Center has experienced numerous attempts by bad actors to access retiree information including the below instances:

  • Over three months, a suspicious caller (male in his 20s) attempted to access a retired Coast Guard Commander’s account by calling PPC and through email inquiries. At the time, there was no power of attorney on file. PPC challenged the individual claiming to be the retiree because of the email address not matching what was on file.
  • PPC received an email impersonating a retired National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Lieutenant Commander. The email stated that the retiree’s identification card was stolen. The email address did not match what was on file. After a brief fact-finding effort, the retiree was in Texas and did not send an email. The email originated from Bakersfield, CA.

The examples above and numerous others drove PPC’s Call Center to change procedures to mitigate fraud attempts by bad actors. PPC strongly encourages retirees to make all changes to their accounts via self-service. However, we understand there are instances where retirees cannot update their information via self-service. Strict protocols are in place to protect the retiree’s information when self-service is not an option for updating account information.

  • First, the Call Center will not change account information over the phone.
  • All retiree requests for account changes must be submitted via a customer care ticket by the retiree and include the proper form for the transaction and a photocopy of a valid government photo identification card (front and back).
  • While PPC makes every effort to protect accounts from fraud, it does occur. When PPC identifies potentially fraudulent activities, the Call Center contacts the Retiree and Annuitants Services (RAS) Branch.
  • RAS will contact the retiree and verify if the retiree contacted PPC to request an update to their account information. When a retiree confirms they did not make a request, PPC places a lock on the Direct Access account, and only PPC can make changes.
  • Finally, PPC adds the retiree to a “be on the lookout” list shared by the Call Center and RAS to coordinate response efforts to respond to and prevent fraudulent activity.

Additional Retiree/Annuitant Resources

Submitting PPC Customer Care Trouble Tickets for HR/Pay

New Online Trouble Ticket (CAC Access Only): PPC Customer Care (sharepoint-mil.us)

Servicing Personnel Office (SPO) Auditors Support for Military HR/Pay Issues: Customers are directed to contact their P&A Office for any errors or questions on pay and/or personnel issues.  If the P&A Office is unable to resolve it, the P&A Office is to contact the servicing SPO.  If the servicing SPO is unable to resolve the issues, the SPO will contact PPC. Customers should not be contacting PPC directly for any pay or personnel issues. We will continue to reroute inquiries directly from customers back to the servicing SPO and contact the SPO Chief to inform them that the ticket was rerouted. Some Trouble Tickets require specific information or formatting in order to be accepted and provide timely service. Be sure to include all the required information in the "Description of Problem/Request" section of the PPC Trouble Ticket email. 

It really helps to include a screenshot or required documents when contacting us by email. This instruction provides how to attach information. Adding Supporting Documents to PPC Trouble Tickets
ACTIVE DUTY RETURN TO SERVICE - Use this link for submitting Accession AD Return to Service.

Active Duty Return to Service Template Instructions

LEAVE ACTIONS - Use this link for submitting topics related to general leave. Example Leave Audit Spreadsheet EXCEL to work from.

Leave Actions Template Instructions

LEAVE ACTIONS OTHER - Use this link for maternity, parental and adoption. Leave Actions Other Template Instructions
NET PAY VARIANCE (NP 500) - Use this link for net pay discrepancies. Net Pay Variance Template Instructions
NON-RECEIPT OF PAY - use this link for the non-receipt of pay submission request. Non-receipt of Pay Template Instructions
OUT OF RANGE TRANSACTIONS - Use this link for transactions beyond 24 pay periods (guidance is provided within the template). Out of Range Template Instructions
REQUESTING PAY AUDITS - Use this link for a member's pay audit request. Pay Audits Template Instructions
RESERVE ORDER AMENDMENT-JOB DATA - Use this link for Job Data Corrections (guidance is provided within the template). Reserve Orders Template Instructions
TAX ISSUES - Use this link for tax issues and include the member's W-4. Tax Issues Template Instructions


Additional HR/Pay Resources 


Submitting PPC Customer Care Trouble Tickets for Travel

mail New Online Trouble Ticket (CAC Access Only) PPC Customer Care (sharepoint-mil.us)

enlightened PPC Customer Care Call Technicians do not have the ability to unlock any users accounts.

NOTE: Travel Annual Recertification for AO requires the submission of an email ticket found in the Travel Related Templates below, please do not submit an Online Trouble Ticket.

Travel Approving Officials Support for Travel Claims: Travelers will work directly with their AOs to complete claims, resolve errors, and obtain information regarding claim status, audits, supplemental claims, travel policy, or requests for explanation of travel payments. This change will provide the most rapid resolution of member travel issues, will improve AO/traveler communications and efficiency, will improve AO proficiency and expertise, and will reduce overall claim processing and reimbursement times. If travelers call PPC Customer Care directly for assistance, Customer Care will direct callers to contact their AO.  If an issue cannot be resolved at the AO level, the AO can submit an electronic ticket only that will go to PPC Travel. 


It really helps to include a screenshot or required documents when contacting us by email. This instruction provides how to attach information. 

Adding Supporting Documents to PPC Trouble Tickets
Travel Inquiry - Use this link to send an email for Travel Inquiries.  Travel Inquiry Template Instructions


Additional Travel Resources 

The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.