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Forms and Worksheets
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About Forms


This page lists Forms and Worksheets referenced in the Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual. These forms and worksheets are now published independently of the manual. This allows us to effect needed changes and updates without waiting for a published change to the manual.

This page also provides links to some frequently used forms from Other Government Agencies and Coast Guard (CG) forms.

Click on the form number. The form will open in Adobe Acrobat, fill in fields and print the form. PLEASE NOTE: Many people will try opening a PDF form and find that they get an error that says "Please wait."  This is not a problem with the form but has to do with the set-up of your computer's browser as the default for opening Adobe Acrobat forms.  Many computers use the web browser as the default for opening Adobe forms, but the browser cannot handle the macros built into the form. The simple solution to this problem is to save the form to your computer and then open the form in Acrobat DC. This allows full functionality.  Follow these instructions for opening the DD-2656 and other advanced PDF forms.

Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) forms: You need Adobe's free reader program to open Acrobat forms, visit the Adobe web site http://get.adobe.com/reader/ to download the program.

Printing Forms: If you experience any printing problems, please be sure you are using the printer icon (picture of a printer) in the Adobe Acrobat Reader tool bar and not the printer icon in the Internet Explorer tool bar.


Pay & Personnel Forms by Agency

Note: The lists below do not include all available forms, just the ones we use most often. If a form is not listed, visit the agency's website for additional forms. Please download forms before attempting to enter information. 

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Links to forms and worksheets P&As and SPOs use most often.
If a form is not listed below, visit the CG-612 Directives and Publications Division Coast Guard (CG) Authorized Forms page to download additional Coast Guard (CG) forms. 

Note: If you receive this message when opening a form, try downloading the form (right-click on the link) and opening it in Acrobat Reader.   Follow these instructions for opening the DD-2656 and other advanced PDF forms.

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Here are direct links the most frequently used pay and personnel forms and worksheets. Visit the CG-612 Directives and Publications Division Coast Guard (CG) Authorized Forms page to download other Coast Guard (CG) forms not listed below. 

Number Title Revised (MM/YY)
CG-1001 Change in Reserve Component Category (RCC) 01/21
CG-1001A Electronic Based Distributed Learning (EBDL) Course Approval Request 04/20
CG-1001B Monthly Incapacitation Claim Form (Member) 04/16
CG-1001C Reserve Incapacitation Benefits Request 04/19
CG-1002 Lateral Change Request 10/20
CG-1300 Report of Suitability for Overseas Assignment 06/22
CG-1300A Debt to Income Ratio Calculator 12/16
CG-1300B Active Duty Dependents Overseas Screening 12/16
CG-1570 IDT Completion Sheet 08/15
CG-1650 Coast Guard Award Recommendation 02/20
CG-1884 Application For Annuity Under The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSPB), Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan (RSFPP) And/Or Final Retired Pay Due 07/13
CG-2000 PCS Departing Worksheet 04/22
CG-2001 Departing TDY or PCS/TEMDUINS to "A" School Worksheet 08/19
CG-2003 PCS Entitlements Advance Travel Worksheet

Note: Per the CG Pay Manual, Servicing Personnel Offices (SPO) shall only approve requests for advance pay of up to one month if applicants meet the conditions in paragraph 2 of the message. Any request for two or three months advance pay must be approved by the member's commanding officer in consideration of the guidelines in paragraphs 3.A through 3.E of the message. PCS travel and transportation advances are limited to 80% of the estimated travel and transportation costs to include MALT, per diem, DLA, and TLE. Payment must not be made more than 30 days before the member detaches, except under extenuating circumstances (e.g., member moves dependents before detaching).

CG-2005 PCS Reporting Worksheet 06/19
CG-2010 Advances Worksheet 08/13
CG-2015 Pay Delivery Worksheet
Note: Use the CGFINCEN EFT/ACH Travel Claim Direct Deposit Account Change Form to change the account used for your travel claim payments.
CG-2016 Request for Duplicate or Replacement IRS Form W-2 03/15
CG-2020 Dependency Worksheet 06/19
CG-2020A Support Statement 02/10
CG-2020C Former Spouse Statement 04/15
CG-2020D Designation of Beneficiaries

Designation of Persons Authorized to Direct Disposition of Remains

Per the National Defense Authorization Act 2012 signed by the President on 31 Dec, the "Designation of Persons Authorized to Direct Disposition of Remains of Members of the Armed Services" (PADD) is now a "member-designated" benefit. As outlined in ALCOAST 427/08 only spouse, adult child, parent or adult sibling were allowed to be designated. If none were known or alive then any relative may have been designated, or finally, a close friend. The new law allows members to designate any person of choice.

No one is required to change any PADD designation as a result of the change in law or to update their form CG-2020D at this time. Existing PADD designations for someone other than a relative--which actually should not have been accepted at the time--will now be acceptable, no update needed. The change supports every Coast Guard member who has reason to designate a PADD other than a relative.

The Personnel Service Center (PSC) is in the process of updating the designation form and will be promulgating an ALCOAST once the revised form is approved.

Note: If a member has a spouse but designates a person other than the spouse to receive all or a portion of the death gratuity pay, the member's Commanding Officer is required to notify the spouse, in writing, about the designation. Here is a template (in MS Word format) for the Memo to notify the member's spouse.


BAH/Housing Worksheet
Note: Also complete DD Form 2367, Individual Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Report, if entitled to OHA.


CG-2025A Housing Allowance (BAH/OHA) Protection Worksheet 02/20
CG-2025B Member-Married-to-Member BAH Worksheet 02/10
CG-2026 OCONUS Early Return of Dependents (ERD) - Request for TONO/LOA 05/11
CG-2030 Career Development Worksheet 06/19
CG-2035 Family Separation Allowance (FSA) Worksheet  
CG-2036 Career Sea Pay Premium Worksheet 06/19
CG-2040 Allotment Worksheet 02/10
CG-2044 Special Duty Pay Worksheet 06/19

Career Intentions Worksheet

Note: CG-Form 2045, Career Intentions Worksheet, has been updated to allow Command Approvers to electronically submit the approved form via email through a "Submit Button" at the bottom of the page. The new popup email automatically populates the Interservice Transfer Team's ISTT email address in the cc line providing them immediate notification of a member's intention to separate.   Giving them this visibility will provide for greater communication between the ISTT and a separating member helping them to understand all the benefits to affiliating with the Reserves after they separate.   

Note: Use the Submit button for final submissions only!  Command approvers will enter the email address for the Servicing Personnel Office for the unit in the "To" line of the message generated by the form. Do not submit unapproved forms to the Interservice Transfer Team.

CG-2046 Application to Sell Special Leave Accrual (SLA) 02/10
CG-2050 Nonreceipt Worksheet 03/20
CG-2055A Reserve Retirement Transfer Request 04/20

TDY Travel Request/Authorization Worksheet

Note: Update is in the pipeline. There are several web links on the form that no longer function. Here are the updated links:

  1. When completing "Traveler's Mode of Transportation" refer to the "How to Calculate Constructive Cost" article on PPC Travel's web page for guidance on computing airfare (GTR) and travel by POC costs. Also, note that IAW JTR 020203-3 When travel must be by automobile, a Government automobile, when available, is most advantageous.
  2. When completing "Purpose of Travel" refer to https://cg.portal.uscg.mil/communities/interim-conference-requests/SitePages/Home.aspx for guidance on travel for conferences.
  3. When completing "Cost of Estimate Calculations", item "G-Cost of Airline Ticket" refer to https://cpsearch.fas.gsa.gov/cpsearch/search.do or contact the contract travel office for airfares. 
  4. Members who are traveling more than 400 miles in their private or government/rental motor vehicle shall complete a TRiPS assessment and have their supervisor review and approve the assessment prior to detaching from their command. TRiPS can be accessed at: https://trips.safety.army.mil/coastguard/

Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA) Application

Note: After September 30, 2016, a member is eligible for a supplemental subsistence allowance only if the member is serving outside the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or Guam.

Please disregard the USDA Gross Monthly Income Eligibility Limits in block 14. They are out of date. Refer to "Table 1: Gross Monthly Income Limit (130% of Federal Poverty Level)" on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Income Eligibility Standards sheet from https://fns-prod.azureedge.us/sites/default/files/resource-files/FY23-Income-Eligibility-Standards.pdf for the FY 2023 income limits. 

CG-2842 Report of Return of Absentee (CG-2842 is obsolete. Use DD-616.) 12/99
CG-3307 Administrative Remarks (Link takes you to the list of authorized entries) 05/20
CG-3600 Designation Of Beneficiary For Payment Of Unpaid Retired Pay (Note: all dates are entered DDMMMYYYY, Example 29 FEB 2024) 08/12
CG-3867 Claim for Final Retired Pay TEST
CG-4251 Military Temporary Duty (TDY) or Civilian Temporary Duty (TD) Travel Orders 06/19
CG-4600 Premium-Class Travel Authorization/Approval Request 02/18

Coast Guard, PHS, & NOAA Retired Pay Account Worksheet and Survivor Benefit Plan Election, to using the DD Form 2656, Data for Payment of Retired Personnel.  
PLEASE NOTE: Many people will try opening a PDF form and find that they get an error that says "Please wait."  Follow these instructions for opening the DD-2656 and other advanced PDF forms.

CG-5100 Officer Uniform Allowance Claim Worksheet 02/10
CG-5150 Civilian Clothing Monetary Allowance Worksheet 08/15
CG-5155A Enlisted Supplementary Clothing Allowance Worksheet 11/15
CG5305J  Enlisted Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) Agreement 06/24
CG-5357 Individual Development Plan 12/20
CG-5357A Executive Development Plan 07/20
CG-5370A Sex Offender Policy Acknowledgement and Disclosure 02/21
CG-5489-1 Remission Application 02/10
CG-5489-2 Waiver Application 09/14
CG-5489B Financial Statement 02/20
CG-6049 Personal Fitness Plan 03/16
CG-7201 Application for Waiver of Collection of Erroneous Payments for Retirees and SBP Annuitants 08/19
CG-7202 Waiver Application for Annuitant 02/10
CG-7220 Family Separation Housing (FSH) Worksheet

Note: Use this worksheet in lieu of completing the SPO Endorsement (Item 10.K) on the PCS Reporting worksheet (CG-2005)

CG-7220D Designated Career Field Bonus (DCFB) Agreement 03/24
CG-7220E Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) Agreement  11/18
CG-7220G Coast Guard Galley Temporary Closure Suspend Collection of CG Standard Meal Rate (CGSM) Deduction 01/16
CG-7220H Family Stability Act BAH/Housing Worksheet 02/20
CG-7221 Retired Allotment Authorization Form 07/10
CG-7270 COLA - Unique Expenses Reimbursement Worksheet 02/15
CG-7302 EFT / ACH Member Payment Enrollment Form 03/19
CG-7421H IPERMS User Role Request (Must download form to enable) 10/22
CG-7430  Blended Retirement System Election 11/17
CG-7430A Continuation Pay Election 11/17
CG-7431 Basic Needs Allowance Worksheet 08/23
CG-7431A Basic Needs Allowance Eligibility Screening Worksheet 08/23
CG-7543 Statement of Financial Status Submitted for Consideration In Connection with Indebtedness to the United States 02/10

Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) Option - Election Certificate

PLEASE NOTE: Many people will try opening a PDF form and find that they get an error that says "Please wait."  Follow these instructions for opening advanced PDF forms.



If a form is not listed above, visit the CG-612 Directives and Publications Division Coast Guard (CG) Authorized Forms page to download additional Coast Guard (CG) forms. 

 DD Forms

Department of Defense (DD) (Links will open a page on the DoD forms page where you will find the link to the actual form)

  • DD Form 4 Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States
  • DD Form 139, Pay Adjustment Authorization
  • *DD Form 256 CG, Honorable Discharge (This is not a link, see *below)
  • *DD Form 257 CG, General Discharge  (This is not a link, see *below)
  • *DD Form 259 CG, Bad Conduct Discharge  (This is not a link, see *below)
  • *DD Form 260 CG, Dishonorable Discharge  (This is not a link, see *below)

    *Discharge certificates are limited distribution forms. They are not available on the internet. Only Servicing Personnel Offices (SPOs) and Personnel and Administrative (P&A) Offices are authorized to possess the templates. Download the certificates file from Official Yeoman Team - DISCHARGE CERTS - All Documents (sharepoint-mil.us) . If you are not a member of the YNs Teams page, you will have to request membership access..

  • DD 616,  Report of Return of Absentee (Replaces CG-2842)
  • *DD Form 794 CG, Discharge Under Other Than Honorable Conditions. (This is not a link, see *above)
  • DD Form 1299,  Application for Shipment and/or Storage of Personal Property
  • DD Form 1351-2,  Travel Voucher
  • DD Form 1351-2C,  Travel Voucher or Subvoucher (Continuation sheet)
  • DD Form 1351-3,  Statement of Actual Expenses
  • DD Form 1746, Application for Assignment to Housing
  • DD Form 2058,  State of Legal Residence Certificate. 

    General Residency Rules: The general rule is that legal residency is established when an individual is physically present in a state AND has the intent to permanently reside in the state.

    "Intention to permanently reside" can be shown through a combination of several factors: ownership of real property; registering to vote; registering a vehicle; obtaining a driver's license; and declaring of legal residency on legal documents (including DD Form 2058: State of Legal Residence Certificate). One of these factors by itself would probably not be enough to change residency, but if a service member moved to a state and registered to vote, bought a house, registered her car, obtained a new driver's license, and registered her children in the local schools, she would most likely be considered to be a resident of the new state. For example, if you were a legal resident of Delaware when you entered the Armed Forces, you remain a legal resident of Delaware for Delaware state income tax purposes unless you voluntarily abandoned your Delaware residency and established a new legal domicile in another state. A change in legal residence is documented by filing DD Form 2058 with your military personnel office.
  • DD Form 2058-1, Tax Exemption Test Certificate, State Income (This form is currently applicable to the States of New Jersey, New York, and Oregon)
  • DD Form 2058-2,  Native American State Income Tax Withholding Exemption Certificate (complete in-lieu of DD-2058, if applicable)
  • DD Form 2278,  Application for Do It Yourself/Self-Procured Move and Counseling Checklist
  • DD Form 2366,  Montgomery GI BILL Enrollment/Disenrollment, SOI
  • DD Form 2366-1,  Montgomery GI BILL Increased Benefit Contribution Program
  • DD Form 2367, Individual Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Report
  • DD-2648 and DD-2648-1 are no longer used. See DoD Transition Assistance Program (dodtap.mil))
  • DD-2656, Data for Payment of Retired Personnel (PLEASE NOTE: Many people will try opening a PDF form and find that they get an error that says "Please wait."  Follow these instructions for opening the DD-2656 and other advanced PDF forms.
  • DD Form 2760, Qualification to Possess Firearms or Ammunition
  • DD Form 2769 Application for Annuity - Certain Military Surviving Spouses
  • DD Form 2860,  Claim for Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC)
  • NAVPERS 1336/6-CG Special Request/Authorization (Leave Chit)
  • More DOD and DD are available from the DOD Forms Program page - http://www.esd.whs.mil/Directives/forms/

PLEASE NOTE: Many people will try opening a PDF form and find that they get an error that says "Please wait."  This is not a problem with the form but has to do with the set-up of your computer's browser as the default for opening Adobe Acrobat forms.  Many computers use the web browser as the default for opening Adobe forms, but the browser cannot handle the macros built into the form. The simple solution to this problem is to save the form to your computer and then open the form in Acrobat DC. This allows full functionality. Follow these instructions for opening the DD-2656 and other advanced PDF forms.


Department of Homeland Security:

  • DHS-11000-9,  Disclosure and Authorization Pertaining to Consumer Reports Pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act


  • IRS W-4,  Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate
  • IRS W-4P,  Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments


  • OPM-71,  Request for Leave or Approved Absence
  • OPM RI20-97,  Estimated Earnings During Military Service

Standard Forms:

  • SF-15, Application for 10 Point Veteran Preference
  • SF-600, Chronological Record of Medical Care
  • SF-813, Verification of a Military Retiree’s Service in Non-Wartime Campaigns or Expeditions

USCG PPC does not process the SF 813.  Per the instructions on the form, the form must be sent to NPRC at the below address or submitted online at www.archives.gov
National Personnel Records Center
1 Archives Drive
St. Louis, MO  63138-1002
Be advised, CG members must allow 6 months after retirement date before submitting request to NPRC.

  • SF-1038,  Advance of Funds Application and Account
  • OF-1164, Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business


Note:  If you are in any uniformed service and you have full-time SGLI coverage; use the SGLI Online Enrollment System (SOES) (under the Benefits Tab, click Life Insurance SOES - SGLI Online Enrollment System.) to:

  • reduce or decline SGLI coverage
  • designate or update the beneficiary on a SGLI policy
  • restore or increase SGLI coverage when it has previously been reduced or declined
  • SGLV-8286,  Link to VA Site: SGLI Election And Certificate and other SGLI forms

    Note;: Please be sure to always use the most recent revision when completing new elections or changing beneficiary designations. Elections and designations completed using earlier editions of the SGLV-8286 remain valid. Members do not need to complete a new form if there are no changes to their elections or beneficiary designations.
  • SGLV-8286A,  Link to VA Site: SGLI Family Coverage Election and other FSGLI forms.

    Note: Per E-Mail ALSPO B/16, this form is only to be completed when a member is reducing coverage, declining coverage, increasing coverage, restoring coverage, or applying for coverage when member-married-to-member. This form is not required when a member, who is subject to automatic coverage, accepts the automatic coverage. 

    The form is not intended for use during annual validation or PCS reporting in where the purpose is to “continue” or “validate” previously existing coverage.  Completing the form unnecessarily during these circumstances creates confusion and frequently causes OSGLI to mistakenly deny coverage under the assumption that the member is applying for previously declined or reduced spouse coverage.
  • More SGLI and VGLI Forms

    The health-related questions (SGLV-8286, Item 4, About Your Health or SGLV-8286A, Part III - Spouse Information) on the forms are only required to be completed when the member has previously declined coverage or elected coverage for a reduced amount and wants to reinstate or increase coverage. Please refer to the Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, for additional information on completing forms SGLV-8286 and SGLV-8286A.


Announcements and Upates
Default Coast Guard Logo

Nov. 16, 2023

Reminder for Soon-to-be-Retirees and DD-2656 Submission

Reminder for Soon-to-be-Retirees: Beginning January 1, 2024, PPC/RAS will no longer accept versions

Default Coast Guard Logo

Oct. 28, 2021

Reminder: If your retirement date is on or after 1 January, 2022, as of 1 November 2021, PPC/RAS will no longer accept Form CG-4700 as your application for retirement pay

CG Form 4700, Coast Guard, PHS & NOAA Retired Pay Account Worksheet and Survivor Benefit Plan Election is being phased out. Coast Guard, PHS and NOAA personnel will join their DoD counterparts and begin using DD Form 2656, Data for Payment of Retired Personnel to establish their retired pay accounts at the Pay & Personnel Center.