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Log on to ETS/ETS Logo https://e2.gov.cwtsatotravel.com/




Direct Access, Retiree/Annuitant, Travel Customer Care

Call 866-PPC-USCG (772-8724)
Available Support ~ 0730-1600 (Central time) M-F

Trouble Ticket Email: ppc-dg-customercare@uscg.mil

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welcome to ets


The E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) is a governmentwide, web-based, world-class travel management service. This streamlined service continually applies commercial best practices to realize travel efficiencies and deliver a transparent, accountable, and sustainable service that yields exceptional customer satisfaction.

ETS enables the government to further consolidate travel services, platforms, and channels, improve leverage of government travel spending, reduce waste, and increase transparency for improved accountability. This directly aligns and supports the Office of Management and Budget Memo M-12-12 regarding Promoting Efficient Spending to Support Agency Operations with respect to travel.

ETS’s benefits and features include:

  • Optimized online travel planning enabling informed cost decisions, at the point-of-sale, by identifying the lowest available airfare that is policy compliant.
  • Create and manage travel authorizations, manage the approval process, submit vouchers, and receive reimbursements, all online.
  • Mobile capabilities allow the approval of authorizations and vouchers, receipt capture, and itinerary management.
  • Flexible auditing based on agency business rules, which notify the traveler and the approver when a selection is out of compliance.
  • System is fee based using GSA Master Contract Schedule for booking/vouchering. Cost is directly billed to the traveler and travel funds are allocated to reimburse the traveler at settlement.


Frequently Asked Questions PDF - May 9, 2024

ETS Roles


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A traveler is a person who may travel on a government orders because they meet one of the following criteria:

  • A civilian employee in the government service
  • A member of the uniformed or foreign services of the United States government
  • A contractor working under a contract with an executive agency

Travelers can manage travel documents for their own travel. As a traveler, you can also perform these actions for other travelers who have given you permission to arrange their travel. In E2, any user, regardless of user type or role, can perform traveler and travel arranger functions.

Travelers select other users to be their travel arrangers in their profile. Certain users within a workgroup, however, may be designated as arrangers for all travelers within their group; they can automatically arrange travel for others without traveler selection.

 Travel Arranger


This role was referred to as a Proxy in TPAX. A travel arranger is a user who can make trip arrangements, or take other actions, for another user via the Travel for Others feature. If you are frequently unable to access the web, a travel arranger can be helpful.

  • Travelers can select other users to perform travel arranger functions on their behalf in their E2 user profile. These users are referred to as designated travel arrangers. As a designated travel arranger, you can arrange travel for the person who selected you as an arranger. (You can be a designated travel arranger for one person or multiple people.)
  • Your office, workgroup, or agency may permit select users to arrange travel for travelers within their group, without being designated as an arranger in each traveler's E2 user profile. A user with this permission has the role of arranger and will see enhanced filter options on the Travel for Others page.


Also known as a Federal Supervisory Travel Approver and was known as an Approving Official (AO) in TPAX.

An approver can approve, revise, route, and print travel documents for users within a specified approval hierarchy.



Depending on customer policy settings, auditors perform audits to ensure adherence to such items as:

  • Agency expense policies
  • Usage of proper accounting strings
  • Corroboration of expenses with attached receipts
  • Review of remarks and document history to assure that other trip guidance has been followed
  • Comparison with other travel team documents

Your workgroup can have only one type of audit enabled: pre-payment or post-payment.

  • Pre-payment audits take place after a voucher has received final approval but before funds are reimbursed.
  • Post-payment audits take place after a voucher has a status of Closed Voucher.


An administrator, or travel policy manager, is an E2 user within an organizational structure who has a specific set of advanced permissions. Administrators can assist you with travel policy questions specific to your agency, as well as with other issues related to E2 features and functions.