Office of Leadership (DCMS-DPR-5)


Commandant (DCMS-DPR-5)
U.S. Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE
Stop 7907
Washington, D.C. 20593-7907

DHS Joint Mission Fellows Program



DHS has postponed this opportunity indefinitely.  If and when that status changes, we will update this page at that time. 

About the Program 

The Department of Homeland Security Joint Mission Fellows Program (JMFP) is a blended program, a combination of both in-residence and virtually led events, that builds a cadre of mid-level leaders with formal mission skills, qualifications, and experience. Fellows participate in a six-month developmental program to inculcate national strategic and operational planning skills and knowledge. The JMFP advances national and homeland security objectives, while building core leadership methods and techniques, with an emphasis on leadership in crises, ethical, scientifically supported, critical analyses and decision making. The program surveys important events in American military, political, economic, and social history that continue to shape our democracy today.   

Throughout the program, Fellows will: 

  • Investigate security-related policy issues and dilemmas with the aim of honing critical thinking skills, analyses and problem solving.
  • Analyze and discuss crisis leadership, decision making, and current and historical values.
  • Investigate and demonstrate Grand Strategy and Strategic Logic acumen.
  • Participate in a team strategy capstone project.
  • Train on the National Incident Management System and the Incident Command System. 

More Information

Participant Objectives

  • Develop mid-level leaders with joint DHS strategic and operational planning skills and education, for use in joint planning environments, as well as incident management/command.
  • Familiarize Fellows with current theories and practices related to crisis management and leadership with emphasis on personal and organizational resiliency and communication.
  • Expose Fellows to events in American history that impact our democracy, values and decision making. 


  • Full-time DHS employees; GS 11-13, USCG 03-04 or E5-E7, or equivalent.
  • Employee of the Department for at least one year at the time of application.
  • Demonstrated commitment to a career in homeland security.
  • Strong collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
  • Achieved at least "Meets Expectations" or equivalent on their last performance review. 


Cohort Dates:  March 25 through July 17, 2025

  • Online: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 1PM - 5PM ET via MS TEAMS
  • Yorktown, VA: In-Residence, April 7-11, 2025 (Travel days: April 6th and 12th)
  • Emmittsburg, MD: In-residence, July 21-25, 2024. (Travel days: July 20th and 26th)    

Emphasized areas of study include:

  • Department Planners Course Series: Fundamentals of Planning
  • Critical Thinking, Grand Strategy, & Strategic Logic
  • The American Revolution & The War of 1812
  • Texas Revolution/Mexican-American War
  • World Pandemics
  • The American Civil War
  • Emerging Threats/Capstone/Graduation & Climate Change

Reading: Fellows are required to read a selection of policy, doctrine, historical fiction, and non-fiction books and materials in order to be prepared for discussions. This is an intensive reading program. 

NOTE: Fellows will dedicate approximately 14 hours per week (3 hours preparing for each 4-hour session). 


This is a cost-sharing opportunity.

  • The DHS Learning and Development Institute provides tuition, books, and materials, as well as local travel (i.e., bus to move from in-residence site to touring location) for scheduled site visits.
  • The individual’s Unit provides funding for all associated travel, lodging, and per diem costs.

Technology Requirements 

Participants must have access to MS Teams, a functioning webcam, speakers, and microphone. We highly encourage the use of a headset (headphones with a microphone). 

Application Procedures 

Interested employees must read and complete the Joint Mission Fellows Program Application and submit it to the CG Component POC via email at NLT COB Friday, January 10, 2025.

Program Manager 

Ms. Alyssa Lombardi Blase:   

Additional Information 

DHS Connect sites now require guest accounts.  If you do not have one, please email to request one.

Joint Mission Fellows Program (
Academic Programs (