About the Course
AFSNCOA provides a unique course of instruction that is ideal for active duty E-7 or E-6 above the cut for E-7 personnel who desire to take the next step in the enlisted leadership continuum and further their professional leadership development. It is located on Gunter Annex, Maxwell Air Force Base.
This five-week course provides students a relevant and interesting curriculum that is based on student needs, effective communication, teamwork, professional leadership, military science, and managerial development skills. The AFSNCOA is affiliated with the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).
All graduates are credited with 5 General Education college semester hours through CCAF. Montgomery, Alabama provides a unique course of instruction that is ideal for members who desire to take the next step in the enlisted leadership continuum and further their professional AFSNCOA classes consist of 300 top-rated Senior Enlisted leaders from all branches of the United States and Foreign Allied Forces. For some DOD and Foreign Service members, this will be their first contact with a Coastguardsman.
Applicants are charged with the duty and responsibility of showing fellow Sailors, Soldiers, and Airmen the amazing accomplishments of our great service and our Chief’s Mess. Coast Guard members attending this academy will have an impact on Coast Guard’s image locally, nationally, and throughout the world.
Successful graduation satisfies the CPOACAD requirements for advancement eligibility to E-7/8.
Training Objectives
This academy develops Joint and Coalition senior enlisted leaders to be adaptable, critically thinking, and strategically relevant in their operating environment while providing a quality resident professional military education (PME) in a joint environment. This five week course provides students a relevant and interesting curriculum that is based on student needs, effective communication, teamwork, professional leadership, military science, and managerial development skills.
- Be an active duty Chief (E-7)
- Have outstanding performance documented in Direct Access.
- Be an excellent representative of the U.S. Coast Guard and present a sharp, trim, and fit military appearance.
- Be in compliance with Coast Guard weight/body composition standards.
- Be able to pass the Boat Crew Fitness Test.
- Be fit for full duty and able to participate in the USAF’s fitness program. Members will be assessed on day 5 of class using the USAF Fitness Assessment. While not a mandatory requirement, members should strive to meet a satisfactory composite score as detailed below on the USAF Fitness Assessment. And be familiar with its requirements.
- Have two years of obligated service remaining upon graduation as outlined in the Performance, Training, and Education Manual.
Submission Deadline & Guidelines
- Nominations for FY25 are due to DPR-5 by by September 15, 2024.
- Nominations are handled through the members District Gold Badge.
- Inquire with your Silver/Gold badge about the local nomination process and requirements.
- Members who have previously attended CPOACAD are eligible to apply.
- The categories of PFA scores are:
- Excellent (≥ 90)
- Satisfactory (75 - 89.9)
- Unsatisfactory (≤ 74.9 and/or any component minimum not met)
- Members receive a composite score from 0 to 100 based on the following maximum component scores:
- 60 points for Cardiorespiratory
- 20 points for Muscular Strength
- 20 points for Core Endurance
Convening Dates
Class #
2023 |
24-A |
12 Oct -16 Nov |
2024 |
24-B |
10 Jan - 14 Feb |
24-C |
26 Feb - 29 Mar |
24-D |
02 May - 06 June |
24-E |
10 July - 13 Aug |
24-F |
22 Aug - 27 Sept |
25-1 |
09 Oct - 14 Nov |
2025 |
25-2 |
08 Jan - 12 Feb |
25-3 |
24 Feb - 28 Mar |
25-4 |
01 May - 06 Jun |
25-5 |
09 Jul - 13 Aug |
25-6 |
21 Aug - 26 Sep |
Program Manager
SCPO Joe Hoff, email Joseph.R.Hoff@uscg.mil
More Information
Coast Guard personnel contact: CG Liaison/Instructor, CPO Andrew Dettmer andrew.j.dettmer@uscg.mil
All Navy and Marine Corps personnel contact: CMDCS Christopher Brooks (Christopher.brooks.40@us.af.mil).
TQC website and/or http://www.airuniversity.af.mil/Barnes/AFSNCOA/