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USCG Pay & Personnel Center             


Our Pay and Personnel Center team members are users of Direct Access –just like you– and are similarly impacted by challenges with the system.  Though the Pay and Personnel Center does not own or control repairs to Direct Access, we continue to advocate with the Program Office to prioritize repairs and the C5I Service Center to conduct those repairs.  We appreciate your patience and grace during this time period.

In essence, Direct Access is our ship . . . and our ship is damaged and undergoing depot-level repairs.  The crew at the Pay and Personnel Center are just as eager for Direct Access to come back to fully mission capable, so we can better serve our Coast Guard families.


At present, for temporary, permanent, VA offset, AEW’s, CRDP, and CRSC disability, we are encountering a processing delay due to systematic issues and a shortage of personnel. You remain our primary concern. We want to assure you that we are fully committed to resolving these issues promptly and handling your cases with utmost proficiency.

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Mailing address:

Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724



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Direct Access https://hcm.direct-access.uscg.mil
Log on to ETS/ETS Logo https://e2.gov.cwtsatotravel.com/




Pay & Personnel News Updates from our Branches



R 281852Z SEP 23 MID600053370890U
ALCOAST 359/23
SSIC 7220
A. 37 U.S.C. Section 352 - Assignment pay or special duty pay
B. 37 U.S.C. Section 204 - Entitlement
C. Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29D
1. Under the authority of REF (A) this ALCOAST announces the
establishment of Assignment Incentive Pay for Production Recruiters
(AIP-PR) and Recruiters-in-Charge (AIP-RIC). AIP-PR and AIP-RIC may
be paid to active duty enlisted members entitled to Basic Pay under
REF (B), including reservists on active duty who are permanently
assigned to a Coast Guard recruiting office. AIP-PR and AIP-RIC are
authorized effective 01 OCT 2023 with quarterly payment amounts
based upon achievement of performance goals. AIP-PR and AIP-RIC will
be payable in addition to reduced levels of Special Duty Pay (SDP),
which will be announced via separate ALCOAST. The combination of AIP
and SDP is designed to incentivize Production Recruiters and
Recruiters-in-Charge to meet or exceed their quarterly
performance goals. In FY24, eligible members will receive less
overall pay in quarters where quarterly performance goals are not
met and more overall pay for exceeding their quarterly performance
2. Definitions.
a. Production Recruiters (PR). All recruiters permanently
assigned to a recruiting office, except for the Recruiter-in-Charge,
are designated as PR.
b. Recruiters-in-Charge (RIC). Recruiters fully qualified as an
RIC and permanently assigned to an RIC billet.
c. Accession. For the purposes of AIP, each enlisted accession
shipped to Training Center Cape May (TCCM) for Recruit Training or 
Direct Entry Petty Officer Training (DEPOT) counts as (1) accession.
3. Criteria and Rates Payable.
a. AIP-PR. All PRs will be eligible for AIP-PR upon execution of
a written agreement, with AIP-PR amounts paid quarterly based upon 
individual performance for the preceding quarter (i.e., paid 01 JAN
for the period 01 OCT through 31 DEC). Performance goals and 
corresponding authorized quarterly payment amounts are as follows: 
(1) Ship less than three (3) enlisted accessions to TCCM
during the preceding quarter: $0.00;
(2) Ship three (3) enlisted accessions to TCCM during the
preceding quarter: $675.00;
(3) Ship four (4) or more enlisted accessions to TCCM during
the preceding quarter: $1,050.00.
b. AIP-RIC. All RICs will be eligible for AIP-RIC upon execution
of a written agreement, with AIP-RIC amounts paid quarterly based 
upon office performance for the preceding quarter (i.e., paid 01 JAN
for the period 01 OCT through 31 DEC). Performance goals and 
corresponding authorized quarterly payment amounts are as follows:
(1) Ship less than 100% of the office mission to TCCM during
the preceding quarter: $0.00;
(2) Ship 100% of the office mission to TCCM during the
preceding quarter: $750.00;
(3) Ship more than 100%, but less than or equal to 125% of
the office mission to TCCM during the preceding quarter: $1,000.00;
(4) Ship more than 125% of the office mission to TCCM during
the preceding quarter: $1,550.00.
4. Written Agreements. In order to receive AIP-PR or AIP-RIC,
eligible members must execute a 12-month written service agreement
which aligns with the fiscal year (FY). A member's first service
agreement may be less than 12 months (i.e., 3, 6, or 9 months)
based upon their report date to mitigate potential pay inequity
compared to their peers. Written agreements must be executed
(signed by the member and approved by CGRC) no later than the first
day of the FY for existing PRs and RICs, or the first day of the
applicable quarter for new PRs and RICs. Written agreements will be
executed via a new Coast Guard form that will become available in
OCT 2023. Due to the form not being available on 01 OCT 2023, and
for FY24 only, written agreements may be executed following form
publication but no later than 31 OCT 2023. CGRC will notify all PRs
and RICs upon publication of the form.
5. In relation to other pays, AIP-PR and AIP-RIC are:
a. Payable in addition to any pay, allowance, special pay,
incentive pay, or any other monetary benefit to which the member 
might otherwise be entitled;
b. Taxable income for federal and state tax purposes, but are not
subject to Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Tax; and
c. Not included in the computation of sale or settlement of
unused accrued leave, Retired Pay, reenlistment bonus, Continuation 
Pay, Separation Pay, or Disability Severance Pay.
6. AIP-PR and AIP-RIC start on the first date of the quarter that
begins on or immediately following the date a member executes a
written agreement for AIP-PR or AIP-RIC. Payment will be made
quarterly, at the beginning of each quarter for the preceding
quarter, based upon individual or office performance, as
appropriate, in relation to published performance goals.
AIP-PR and AIP-RIC may not be paid without a written agreement
in effect, and written agreements may not be executed retroactively.
7. AIP for members who depart on a permanent change of station (PCS)
order from an assignment where AIP-PR or AIP-RIC is authorized will
continue to receive AIP-PR or AIP-RIC through the end of their
written agreement based upon the number of accessions scheduled to
ship after PCS departure that actually ship.
8. AIP-PR and AIP-RIC stop the date prior to the date a member
meets one of the following conditions, in which case a final payment
of AIP-PR or AIP-RIC based upon the member's performance to date in
that quarter will be made in the member's final pay or as soon as
possible upon confinement, as applicable:
a. Is discharged, released, or retired from active duty;
b. Is confined as a result of a court-martial sentence;
9. AIP-PR and AIP-RIC Governance. AIP-PR and AIP-RIC are special
pays designed to effectively address concerns about recruitment and
retention of qualified Coast Guard Recruiters, as well as 
incentivize assigned Recruiters to meet or exceed performance 
standards and mission goals. The combination of quarterly payments 
and performance goals will facilitate consistent performance 
throughout the year, directly contributing to improved flow of 
applicants and stability of the accession pipeline. COMDT (CG-1M12),
formerly (CG-1332), is responsible for the development,
implementation, and oversight of AIP-PR and AIP-RIC policy and 
associated written agreement forms. Coast Guard Recruiting Command 
(CGRC) is responsible for implementing audit controls for: the 
routing and approval of written agreements, collection and 
integrity of performance data, and quarterly certification of 
performance for payment of AIP-PR and AIP-RIC.
10. The contents of this message will be incorporated into the next
revision of REF (C), which will be released within the next year.
11. POC: Questions regarding this ALCOAST may be directed to Office
of Military Personnel Policy, Compensation Division (CG-1M12) at:
12. COs, OICs, and RICs, as well as the servicing P&A and SPO for
CGRC personnel must bring the contents of this ALCOAST to the
attention of all personnel.
13. This message will be cancelled 30 SEP 2024.
14. RADM M. W. Raymond, Assistant Commandant for Military Personnel
(CG-1M), sends.
15. Internet release is authorized.