A Better Buying Experience for Everyone

The Buy Better Revolution (BBR) is a modernization initiative responsible for evaluating and improving our Contracting and Procurement (C&P) capabilities while easing the administrative burden on front line units.

Ask the Expert

Chat one-on-one with a member of the Buy Better Revolution leadership team here at Sea Air Space. Register today.
Link: https://calendly.com/seaairspace1on1signup/buybetterrevolution


Conversations & Connections Virtual Session

Join us on Thursday, April 13 from 2:00-3:45 PM for a virtual event hosted by the USCG Office of Small Business, Innovation & Outreach. Gain access to the session at the link below.
Link: https://sam.gov/opp/76e1aaba95144a37872b2be320dc2722/view


We Want to Hear from You: Complete our Industry Survey

A core value of the BBR is to innovate and enhance our C&P capabilities. We can only do this by listening and learning from those we interact with every day. Please help us better understand the wants and needs of our industry partners. Complete the survey here.