Coast Guard Headquarters To Hold 2017 Industry Day Feb. 6
The Coast Guard will hold an industry day at its headquarters in Washington, D.C., Feb. 6, 2017 to inform contractors of its procurement goals and notify them of potential opportunities.
The event will support the following Coast Guard headquarters directorates and commands: Human Resources (CG-1), the Deputy Commandant for Operations (CG-DCO), Force Readiness Command (FORCECOM), the Assistant Commandant for Capability (CG-7), the Assistant Commandant for Resources (CG-8) and the Assistant Commandant for Acquisition (CG-9).
The industry day event is designed to promote a meaningful exchange of information so that industry can gain a greater understanding of Coast Guard needs, and the Coast Guard can gain an expanded awareness of industry capabilities. The event will include updates regarding anticipated requirements for the upcoming year, followed by respective break-out sessions for one-on-one discussions about specific Acquisition Planning Forecast System opportunities.
For more information and to register for this event, click here.
The Coast Guard Office of Contract Operations is soliciting feedback on how it can better communicate with industry during the solicitation and award contract phases. Feedback can be submitted here through Jan. 23.
For more information: Doing Business with the Coast Guard page