Coast Guard Safe Homes Initiative     




The Coast Guard's Safe Homes Initiative is a service-wide effort to ensure our housing units are free from environmental health risks. The initiative focuses on units co-located near lighthouses and those with a history of lead, asbestos, and radon findings.  SHI is led by CG-1M and supported by CG-4, LOGCOM, FC, PSC, CG-LGL, and CG-092. 

  • The CG launched the Safe Homes Initiative (SHI) in 2019 following the discovery of elevated lead levels at several CG housing sites.  Additionally, new federal lead standards went into effect in January 2020.  Homes built before 1979 (when the use of lead-based paint was allowed) are the most likely to not comply with the more stringent standards. 
  • The CG currently has 2,718 active homes in inventory.  All homes were screened using the Housing Management Information System (HMIS) database for: date of construction, previous known environmental issues, and age of residents.  
  • 1,195 pre-1979 homes were identified as needing a state-certified assessment to ensure compliance with the new (2020) federal standards. The state certified assessments tested homes for: lead, asbestos, and radon.
  • All homes requiring assessments were prioritized based on:
    • Age of construction (pre-1979);
    • Age of residents at-risk (i.e., children under the age of 7 and pregnant women);
    • Proximity to a structure with potential for lead exposure (e.g., lighthouse, etc.).
  • The remaining 1,454 post-1979 were tested for radon only.
  • The CG’s actions are aligned with DoD and ensure CG homes comply with EPA guidelines.

The Safe Homes Initiative used a three-step process to ensure homes are free from environmental hazards and in compliance with all federal regulations:

  1. Screen all active Coast Guard-owned family homes.  
  2. Identify homes that may pose an environmental risk to residents.
  3. Take appropriate action; update records and HMIS, address any findings or deficiencies, and support families.

The Safe Homes Initiative created a “Housing Tri-P” which is a team who comes together to provide recommendations to leadership regarding residents who may have environmental hazards or safety issues in their CG owned home. The Tri-P consists of leadership from CG-1M (policy), CG-11 (safety/medical), and CG-43 (engineering).

The Coast Guard is committed to communicating with members throughout this process. News and resources are available on this website and will be updated frequently. Additionally, Local and Base Housing Offices (LHOs and AHOs) are available to answer any questions.

We will continue to work together to guarantee safe homes in the Coast Guard. As we do this, we endeavor to aggressively provide customer service to those families disrupted by any necessary remediation, or relocations.


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Most questions regarding Coast Guard housing are best answered by the Local and Area Housing Authorities. If you are unsure of where to direct your question or would like to provide suggestions to the Safe Homes Initiative team, please email: This email is monitored by the Housing Division of Coast Guard Headquarters; we are happy to take feedback or direct specific questions to the best point of contact