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USCG Pay & Personnel Center             


Our Pay and Personnel Center team members are users of Direct Access –just like you– and are similarly impacted by challenges with the system.  Though the Pay and Personnel Center does not own or control repairs to Direct Access, we continue to advocate with the Program Office to prioritize repairs and the C5I Service Center to conduct those repairs.  We appreciate your patience and grace during this time period.

In essence, Direct Access is our ship . . . and our ship is damaged and undergoing depot-level repairs.  The crew at the Pay and Personnel Center are just as eager for Direct Access to come back to fully mission capable, so we can better serve our Coast Guard families.


At present, for temporary, permanent, VA offset, AEW’s, CRDP, and CRSC disability, we are encountering a processing delay due to systematic issues and a shortage of personnel. You remain our primary concern. We want to assure you that we are fully committed to resolving these issues promptly and handling your cases with utmost proficiency.

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Mailing Address:

Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724
0730-1600 (Central time) M-F



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Pay & Personnel News Updates from our Branches

Competency Dictionary Updates Version August 2024


The Competency Dictionary has been updated effective August 2024: Competency Dictionary (a spreadsheet that shows all authorized competency codes and descriptions) has been updated by Commandant (CG-1B-1). 

There have been 21 competency changes since the latest dictionary was published, and changes since the latest update are in blue font on the spreadsheet. The changes are as follows:

14 Competencies created:

  • RC                   Resilience Coordinator
  • RCMT            RC Master Trainers
  • DEFR-T1       Digital Evidence 1st Responder
  • CGSFOFF     CG Security Forces Officer
  • EST-MC        EST Mission Commander
  • EST-TSUP     EST Tactical Supervisor
  • EST-COG      EST Chief of the Guard (COG)
  • EST-SNTR     EST Sentry
  • EST-ESCS      Embarked Security Combat Skill
  • DI-BO            Drug Interdiction Boarding Off
  • C130AS         HC-130 Advanced SAR
  • C130BS         HC-130 Basic SAR
  • CVCLFFAD   Low Flash Point Fuel (Dom)


4 modified:

  • INTCOREA   Intelligence Core Apprentice
  • INTCOREJ    Intelligence Core Journeyman
  • SIGTAR         Target Analyst Reporter
  • SIGTDNA     Target Digital Network Analyst

3 Inactivated:

  • CGPOFF       CG Police Officer
  • OSCF             Operational Stress Control
  • MLEACD       Counter-Drug