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Probationary Period

  • The probationary period is the first year of service for an employee who is given a career or career-conditional appointment. The probationary period is intended and should be viewed as the last step in the examination process.
  • Prior Federal civilian service (including Non-Appropriated Fund service) counts toward completion of the probationary period when the prior service:
    • Is in the same agency;
    • Is in the same line of work (determined by the employee's actual duties and responsibilities); and,
    • Contains or is followed by no more than a single break in service that does not exceed 30.
  • Any non-pay time in excess of 22 workdays extends the probationary period by that number of days.
  • If management determines that a probationary employee is not suitable for continued employment within the Federal service, he/she should initiate appropriate action promptly. The supervisor does not have to wait until the end of the probationary period to take action. The supervisor must consult with the servicing HR Specialist/Command Staff Advisor early in the process.
  • An employee terminated during the probationary period, has limited appeal rights.