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  • A separation from Federal service that is initiated by an employee is considered a resignation, and is documented by a Standard Form (SF) 50. Retiring from Federal service, accepting a position with a different Federal agency, or being removed from Federal service for conduct or performance issues are not resignation actions.
  • An employee that resigns should do so in writing to his/her immediate supervisor, by completing Part E of the SF-52, Request for Personnel Action form. This written notice should address the reason why the employee is resigning. The employee’s reason will be documented on the SF-50. If the no reason is provided, the SF-50 will reflect this.
  • If an employee provides an oral resignation, management will request written confirmation and may request that the employee complete Part E of the SF-52. Completion of Part E of the SF-52 by the employee is considered a written resignation. However, in the event written confirmation is not received, the management official who received the employee’s oral resignation should document it in a memorandum for the record, and attach it with the completed SF-52.
  • All separations, to include resignations, are effective at the end of the day (midnight) unless an earlier time is indicated by the employee.
  • Upon resigning from Federal service, an employee who had health benefits (FEHB) and/or life insurance continue to receive coverage for 31 days after the effective date of the resignation.