Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)
Location: Coast Guard Building, Personnel Support Department, Room 143
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday: 0700 – 1530
Travel Debit Card Advances Appointments During Hours of Operation:
0900 – 1100 & 1300 – 1430
The Government Travel Charge Card Program (GTCC) provides travelers with a safe, effective, convenient, and commercially available method to pay for expenses associated with official travel. The GTCC includes Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) and Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs). Cardholders for Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) are personnel to whom travel cards have been issued for use while performing official government travel. Cardholders shall adhere to the procedures set forth in the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation and applicable DoD Component guidance. Individual cardholders are responsible for payment in full of the undisputed amounts due in the monthly billing statement from the card contractor.
Unit representatives need to ensure all card applications and forms are completed to include:
Specific guidance and policy is provided via Commandant Instruction 4600.14C.
Please note, JP Morgan will only accept legible, neat, and completed forms.
Application Process:
The following is a general description of the GTCC application process:
- Each application is viewed by the A/OPC to ensure accuracy and completeness.
- Following the A/OPC’s signature and approval, the application is forwarded to the JP Morgan Chase Financial Center for processing.
- Cardholder should receive the Travel Card within 7 to 10 business days.
Travel Debit Card Program
Debit Card Advances: J.P. Morgan Chase Debit Card issuances are BY APPOINTMENT only between the hours of 0900 – 1100 & 1300 – 1430. To schedule an appointment, please call (504) 253-4802.
- If a member has a government charge card, they should get their advances at an ATM machine. The J.P. Morgan Chase Debit Card Program is to be used for paying advances to non-cardholders in emergency short notice travel.
- If a member is not a government charge card holder, they will need to bring their original orders and the original typed SF1038. The typed SF1038 should be signed by the member’s unit in the case of TAD orders. They will also need their ID card.
Contact Information: (504) 253 - 4802
Fax Machine: (504) 253 – 4824
Applicable Links: