Morale, Well-being and Recreation (MWR)
Base Miami Beach - Southeast Region

The U. S. Coast Guard Base Miami Beach Unit Morale Fund is established to promote the well being of the officers, crew, dependents and others as directed by the Commandant, United States Coast Guard.

About Us:

Base Miami Beach's Southeast Regional MWR Office disperses morale funds to units within the 7th District, manages two Class C operations.

--- CG Invitational Golf Tournament ---

Marathon Recreation Facility Reservation System:

Eligible MWR Patrons can check availability and make reservations online for
Marathon Recreational Facility RV Pads and Cottages
Click here for more information

Armed Forces Vacation Club:



Armed Forces Vacation Club is a FREE membership club open to active duty, guard and reserve, retired members of the Armed Forces and DOD.  Our largest resort inventory is in Disney, Vegas, Sedona, Branson, & Williamsburg as well as numerous other countries.