Everything executive champions and stakeholders need to be Relevant with Office365:

Compass Blog Post - Coast Guard modernization and the cloud
All Hands Briefer featuring Office365
(CAC required)
2019 C4IT Annual Plan (CAC required)
C4IT News: The Circuit (CAC required)
AFCEA: The Cyber Edge on Office365 (external)
Frequently Asked Questions (CAC required)


Everything end users and operators need to be Ready for Office365:

Help Design Office365 (CAC required)
Become an Office365 Pilot User (Email)
Sign Up for a Webinar (CAC required)
Help Desk Support (CAC required)

Online Training:
Email (CAC required)
Portal Online (CAC required)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint (CAC required)
                      Next Level Training:
Teams (CAC required)
Groups (CAC required)
PowerBI (CAC required)

Everything C4IT technicians Mission Support staff need to be Responsive to Office 365:

Admin Center (CAC required)
Teach the Teacher Support (CAC required)

Cloud Solutions Portal:



Office 365 for Early Adopters
Oct. 9, 2019 - What are the Office 365 capabilities and limitations at the moment for Pilot Users?

Coast Guard Modernization and the Cloud
July 1, 2019 - The Coast Guard C5I Resource Council recently approved funding for network improvements and office applications. As a result, the Coast Guard will be improving unit network connections and migrating Microsoft services to a hybrid cloud for the following applications: - Email (including calendars, distributions and group mailboxes) - Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, etc.) - Personal folders (U drive, or my documents) - Public folders (Y drive, or unit folders) - Skype