ALC’s COVID-19 General Information Flyer

ALC’s primary focus in response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the protection of our workforce. Our best defense is providing our workforce with the right resources and information to keep themselves, their families, and our work environment free of the COVID-19 virus. The response to COVID-19 is both an individual and an organizational responsibility.

ALC will use a tiered approach to manage our actions and work force. The tiered approach actions will vary depending on the level and severity of impact COVID-19 has to our region. ALC has implemented numerous controls and measure to ensure every employee will remain safe and healthy. Please refer to ALC’s locally released information, Safety Advisory Bulletins, and Division work plans for the controls and measures established to keep ALC personnel safe.

For US Coast Guard guidance and information on the Coronavirus, please reference the Coast Guard’s COVID-19 website at


Other useful links for general information on COVID-19

Center for Disease Control (CDC):

World Health Organization (WHO):

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: