Office of Diversity and Inclusion (CG-1D1)

Commandant (CG-127)
U.S. Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE Stop 7907
Washington, D.C. 20593-7907

Affinity Group Listing

Affinity Groups promote inclusive and diverse work environments. They represent and advocate for innovative changes in our Coast Guard and work with the Coast Guard's Chief Diversity Officer (CG-1), through the Affinity Group Council and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (CG-127), to communicate their ideas to Coast Guard's Senior Leadership.

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Members of the Academy Minority Outreach Team (AMOT), volunteer to share their educational, career, and life experiences with prospective cadets. Most are Academy graduates on active duty. Each cares deeply about diversity and, together, they are committed to paving the way for a seamless transition into Academy life.


Membership #: 117

To serve as the acknowledged leader in recruiting, developing and retaining Hispanics in the Sea Services (Coast Guard, Navy, Marine Corps, Merchant Marine). To assist the Sea Service Chief’s efforts in Hispanic workforce recruitment and retention by fostering the personal growth and professional development of officers, enlisted and civilian personnel; providing mentorship, networking, training and educational opportunities; and engaging the Hispanic community through outreach initiatives.


Membership #: 609

Blacks In Government® (BIG) was established in 1975 and incorporated in 1976 by a small group of African Americans at the Public Health Services which is a part of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in the Parklawn building in Rockville, Maryland. The organization was viewed as essential to the Black civil service employee, based on a wide assortment of racially motivated problems faced by the HEW Black employees in Rockville. Initially, it was thought that the umbrella organization would address only the problems at the Federal level. However, it was soon determined that State, County, and Municipal Black employees were faced with the same general type of employment problems. Nonetheless, Blacks In Government was organized in 1975 and incorporated as a non-profit organization under the District of Columbia jurisdiction in 1976. BIG has been a national response to the need for African Americans in public service to organize around issues of mutual concern and use their collective strength to confront workplace and community issues. BIG's goals are to promote EQUITY in all aspects of American life, EXCELLENCE in public service, and OPPORTUNITY for all Americans.

Website: or


Coast Guard Spectrum exists to create an affirming environment throughout the United States Coast Guard for all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, etc (LGBTQIA+) members and allies. Our goal is to provide safe spaces for systematically marginalized members to be heard, celebrated, treated equally, and treated with dignity. We strive to foster unity and dignity amongst LGBTQIA+ members, their families, friends and allies by creating awareness regarding LGBTQIA+ issues and providing access to mentors and subject matter experts on policy and dismantling oppression.


EPIC exists to provide a platform for recruiting, retention and professional development that inspires Under Represented Minorities to experience growth and success within the  Coast Guard. EPIC is a network of people working together to achieve a common goal. The Method is simple NETWORKING.  Making available to URM’s a solid and friendly resource of people ready, willing to assist and allowing them to feel a greater level of inclusiveness and pride in the Coast Guard.

Website: (requires a CAC)

 Membership #: 400

FAPAC is an organization that promotes equal opportunity and cultural diversity for APAs within the Federal and District of Columbia governments. FAPAC encourages the participation and advancement of APAs in the Government work force. FAPAC will be a nationally recognized organization that serves as a conduit through which the interests, issues and representation of Asian Pacific Americans in the Federal, State, County, City and District of Columbia governments are addressed. It will also promote partnerships with the public and private sectors in the community it serves.


Membership #: 120


FEW is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1968 shortly after government issued Executive Order 11375 which added sex-discrimination to the list of prohibited discrimination within the Federal Government. Although E.O. 11375 was an important milestone, several women were concerned that the Civil Service Commission and individual agencies may not put forth the vigorous effort necessary to ensure compliance with E.O. 11375. Although the Federal Women’s Program (FWP) had been established, the early organizers of FEW realized that the government could dismantle FWP, and they wanted to ensure that there would always be an organization dedicated to promoting equality for women and addressing concerns of women in the Federal workforce. Additionally, because FWP is a government function, it is limited in its political scope, and cannot lobby Congress. As a private organization, FEW is not restricted in that area.  As a private organization, FEW works as an advocacy group to improve the status of women employed by the Federal government. This includes contact with Congress to encourage progressive legislation. FEW national officers meet with management officials at all levels of agencies to demonstrate support of the FWP, encourage officials to support the program and to obtain insight on the effectiveness of the FWP at agency and local levels.


Membership #: 3500

The National Naval Officers Association (NNOA) actively supports the U. S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the recruitment, development and retention of a diverse Officer Corps that is representative of the best our nation has to offer. With local Chapters throughout the United States and Far East, NNOA focuses intently on training and mentoring Sea Service officers toward career success while charging them to increase awareness and promote the Sea Services in communities where they live and serve.


Membership #: 1000


The Sea Services Leadership Association (SSLA) is a national nonprofit, nonpolitical organization established in 1978, and serves as the only non-profit organization in the United States dedicated to providing professional development through networking, education, and mentorship of women from all three maritime armed forces – the United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. SSLA has also expanded its mentorship and outreach in recent years to include the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, National Guard and international military services through hosting the Joint Women's Leadership Symposium (JWLS), the largest annual convening of U.S. and international military women in the country.


Membership #: 217

SOAR (Student to Officer-Always Ready) Mentoring Program is a collaboration with CGRC to establish a formal mentoring and training program for students accepted into the College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative (CSPI) program. This initiative will bring more than 70 officers together to provide one-on-one leadership and guidance to CSPI students from the time they are accepted into the program through OCS. In addition to mentoring, CSPI students and CG members participating in SOAR will serve as MSI Ambassadors in coordination with the Coast Guard Recruiting Command and CG-127 to support recruiting efforts for the CSPI Program at targeted colleges and universities.

Membership #: 70

Established in 2012 as an affiliate of the USCGA Alumni Association, the Women’s Leadership Initiative uses its fund and endowment to support leadership training and professional development opportunities for Coast Guard women in uniform and civilians, with the goal of 1) increasing women’s retention in the Coast Guard and 2) providing a bridge for service personnel to achieve success following their Coast Guard careers.



This list will be updated as the Affinity Group Program is implemented and as new Affinity Groups partner with the Coast Guard.

For questions about the USCG Affinity Group Council or other Affinity Group questions, please contact