Work-Life Logo

Office of Work-Life (CG-1K1)

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Contact your local Health Safety & Work Life Regional Practice or CG SUPRT 24/7/365.


USCG Work-Life Mobile App

For those looking for information about the Coast Guard Support programs and services to Coast Guard members and their families, we now have an app for that!

Available in the Apple App store just search for USCG Work-Life or use this link: Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

The Android version is available through Google at

This application contains information about the many quality of life resources available for Coast Guard military and civilian personnel, family members, and retirees. The application includes information on work-life programs, as well as other individual and family support programs such as medical services, chaplain services, housing, legal assistance, and morale, well-being, and recreation (MWR) services.
User can select their unit for information broadcasts specific to their location and to get up to date information on what’s happening with notifications and alerts on events, general announcements and information. To select a Coast Guard unit:

  • Click on Media
  • Click on wheel in upper right corner
  • Select District
  • Select unit

Point of Contact
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please contact Ms. Christine DeGraw, at

Work-Life App