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 Spouses' Clubs Program

Program Overview
Spouses’ clubs provide a support system, create fellowship opportunities, offer community service, and furnish educational information. All clubs seek to improve the quality of life of their members, while promoting the feeling of belonging to the Coast Guard community.

Spouses’ clubs provide important community outreach for newcomers. Clubs support the unit’s Ombudsman, assist with sponsor or orientation programs, conduct or coordinate community service projects, update relocation packages, provide community support in emergency situations, and provide other types of support based on the unique needs of their local community.

Spouses’ clubs support Coast Guard Work-Life programs by participating in selected family-related initiatives and sponsoring workshops or other training opportunities related to service benefits.

Policy and Guidance

Services and Resources Available
The following services and resources are available within the Coast Guard Spouses' Clubs Program:

  • National Council of Coast Guard Spouses' Clubs

    The National Council of Coast Guard Spouses' Clubs assists new clubs and helps them develop their bylaws.

    The National Council of Coast Guard Spouses' Clubs is comprised of Coast Guard spouses who provide advisory resources and assistance to support Coast Guard Spouses' Clubs. The Council is dedicated to strengthening Coast Guard spouses’ club environments and fostering the unique pride that comes from sharing experiences with other Coast Guard spouses. Their mission is to provide resource support and advisory assistance regarding club matters, and to establish a central location for spouses to identify and connect with spouses' clubs across the nation.

    The Council assists spouses’ clubs by:
    • Issuing Certificates of Affiliation
    • Advising existing clubs upon request
    • Aiding in the establishment of new spouses’ clubs
    • Aiding in the dissolution of inactive clubs
    • Providing material support to spouses’ clubs
    • Providing educational information on current Work-Life concerns
    • Serving as a liaison between Office of Work-Life staff and spouses' clubs
  • Directory of Coast Guard Spouses' Clubs
  • Coast Guard Family Resources - This .pdf with key resource links makes an ideal handout.

Point of Contact
If you need additional assistance beyond the information provided here, please contact the Spouses’ Clubs Program Manager, Ms. Christine DeGraw, at Christine.M.DeGraw@uscg.mil.