Reserve Personnel Management Division

The Reserve Personnel Management (RPM) Division is charged with executing the administrative lifecycle for the Coast Guard’s only dedicated surge force, the 8,000 men and women comprising our Reserve workforce. RPM is committed to performing these duties in a fair, consistent and transparent manner in accordance with applicable laws, Service policy, and the Commandant's guidance.
RPM is divided into three branches, RPM-1, RPM-2, and RPM-3. Each branch carries out a wide spectrum of personnel actions on behalf of the entire Reserve workforce.
RPM-1 – Reserve Component Category Management Branch
Reserve Component Category Management Branch (RPM-1) is responsible for the execution of promotion boards, selection panels, advancements, retirements, resignations, discharges and separations for all Reserve Officers, Chief Warrant Officers, and Enlisted members. They validate the evaluations of all Reserve Officers to ensure compliance with applicable policy.
RPM-2 – Reserve Assignments Branch
Reserve Assignment Branch (RPM-2) handles all permanent change of station (PCS) assignments for the officer and enlisted workforce and coordinates Reserve 'A' School for new accessions. They also offer career counseling to build and maintain a flexible, responsive Reserve Component while helping you make the most of your Coast Guard career.
RPM-3 – Reserve Personnel Services Branch
Reserve Personnel Services Branch (RPM-3) performs SPO transactions for IRR/ISL/ASL transferring to and from the SELRES and maintains SPO PDRs for all IRR/ISL/ASL members, including separations. They also act as the Program Manager for all Reserve VA Education Programs and also prepares/tracks Notices of Eligibility (NOE) for Reserve members injured in the line of duty.
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