​RPM-1 Status Section


Areas of Responsibility

  • Lateral change in rating
  • Reserve Component Category (RCC) Change Requests
  • Conditional Release
  • Retirement
  • Discharge
  • Administration Separation Board (ADSEP)
  • Erroneous contracts
  • Expected Loss Date Change
  • Advancement Inquiry
  • Reenlistment Waiver/Board
  • Separation Pay
  • Officer Specialty Management System (OSMS)
  • Service Limitation Waiver (16/18 Years of Active-Duty, 30 Years of Service, Over Age 60)

Send all correspondence and requests related to Service Limitation Waiver's to: HQS-SMB-CGPSC-RPM-1-Waiver@uscg.mil

Send all other correspondence and requests related to the above list to: HQS-SMB-CGPSC-RPM-1-Status@uscg.mil

When sending your email use the below naming convention in the subject line of the email.  

[Rate/rank], [Member's First name], [Member's last name] – [related topic from the list above]
Example: YN1 Joe Coastie - Lateral Change in Rating



Reserve Component Category (RCC) Change Requests

  • Members assigned to the IRR/ASL/ISL requesting a Reserve Component Change should send an email to RPM-3, Reserve Personnel Services Branch, for further guidance.

Service Limitation Waivers

Officer Specialty Managment System (OSMS)

Reserve Retirement