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Office of Diversity and Inclusion (CG-1D1)

Commandant (CG-127)
U.S. Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE Stop 7907
Washington, D.C. 20593-7907

Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Partnership Program

The Coast Guard's Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Liaison Officer is responsible for facilitating the development of partnerships between MSI and CG in support of the Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan, 2019-2023 Line of Effort 3.1: Comprehensive Outreach Plan to Actively Recruit a Diverse Workforce. These partnerships consist of Executive Champion (CG Flag officer), Action Unit (CG unit in close proximity to MSI) and Ambassador (CG alumni of MSI).

What are Minority Serving Institutions (MSI)?

MSI are federally recognized Title IV colleges and universities, and are eligible for federal funding under the Title III of the Higher Education Act of 1965. There are currently 7 subcategories of MSI: Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institution, Tribal College and Universities, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian Serving Institution, Predominantly Black Institution, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution, and Native American Nontribal Institution.

Why are we partnering with MSI?

Decades of research shows that companies with diverse workforce outperformed and out-innovated companies with homogeneous workforce. Building and fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce is imperative to the future success of the CG. MSI partnership is a diversity program that engages CG members all levels and is more effective than passive learning.

What do we offer to MSI?

Federal recognition as MSI is a key eligibility criteria for the CG’s scholarship program: College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative. This program helps students pay for college tuition and includes pay and benefits.

How do I get started?

For MSI schools interested in partnering with CG, please contact MSI Liaison Officer. For CG members getting started, go to the MSI Partnership CG Portal site (accessible through a CG workstation).