The Officer Personnel Management Division is divided into four branches:

  • (OPM-1) The Boards, Promotions, and Separations Branch deals with all active duty Officer and Chief Warrant Officer Boards, Panels, Promotions, Retirements, Resignations and Discharges.

  • (OPM-2) The Officer Assignments Branch places officers in various billets for all Coast Guard units.

  • (OPM-3) The Officer Evaluation Branch validates officer evaluations and ensures compliance with applicable policy.

  • (OPM-4) The Officer Career Management Branch conducts analysis of career trends and assists with providing officer career counseling.

For detailed information and content for USCG processes, procedures, and posted information that was formerly available on the internet, please go to the PSC-OPM SharePoint site using this link (CAC Required): PSC-OPM - Home (

Visit us regularly for our site will always be improving and providing important information.

Thank You,
Officer Personnel Management

WASHINGTON DC 20593-7200

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Expand List item 461Collapse List item 461  OPM-1: Boards, Promotions, and Separations Branch

CGPSC (opm-1) oversees the Promotion, Separation/Retirement, Boards/Panels, Special Boards, Advanced Education/Post Graduate Panels, and Register of Officers. 

The Officer Selection Boards Section handles/considers individuals for promotion to the next higher grade. Selection Boards/Panels are also used to select candidates for Advanced Education/Post Graduate School opportunities and conducts special boards. 

The Officer Promotions Section oversees issuance of active duty agreements, integrations, and requests for Inter-service transfer. It also manages the register of officers, to include officer promotion authorization lists (OPAL), and officer nominations and appointments.

The Officer Separations Section manages retirements, discharges, temporary separations, officer medical waivers and release of reserve officers from active duty.

The Coast Guard Register of Officers is also maintained by OPM-1. This document is produced annually and provides as snapshot of the officer corps to include precedence as of January 1st of the year it is released.  The latest version can be found at: Register of Officers.

For additional information Coast Guard service members can log into the SharePoint site provided above.  Others, including separated members may contact OPM-1 at

Expand List item 462Collapse List item 462  OPM-2: Officer Assignments Branch


The Officer Assignments Branch (CG PSC-opm-2) handles the assignments of all regular officers, Chief Warrant Officers, and reserve officers on Extended Active Duty contracts. 

Assignments of reserve officers not on Extended Active Duty contracts are handled by the Reserve Personnel Management Division (CG PSC-rpm).

Additional assignment information and related messages including Assignment Guides, Shopping Lists/Updates, assignment year SITREPS, road show information, individual assignment officer account notes, and panel information relating the Senior Command Screening Panel (SCSP), Junior /BOS'N Command Afloat Screening Panels (JCSP) and Senior Education and Fellowship Panel (SEFP) can be accessed at the following path (CAC Required): OPM-2 (


Expand List item 463Collapse List item 463  OPM-3: Officer Evaluation Branch

The Officer Evaluations Branch (OPM-3) ensures the integrity and consistency of the Officer Evaluation System (OES) in accordance with COMDTINST M1000.3 (series) and PSCINST M1611.1 (series). The OES is designed to document and drive officer performance and conduct in accordance with Service values and standards. This information is used to support talent management decisions primarily selection boards/panels, retention, and assignments. 

OPM-3 is also the Program Manager for the Officer Specialty Management System (OSMS), the Coast Guard's official talent management system as related to officer specialties.  

This system identifies the competencies, training, education, and experience to be considered a specialist within a given field. It measures supply and demand for all officer specialties, enabling workforce management decisions, and serves as a career planning tool for junior officers. 

For more information on Officer Evaluation Reports (OERs), OES, and OSMS please visit OPM-3’s SharePoint page at: OPM-3 (

Coast Guard Military Human Resource Record (CGMHRR) section has transitioned to iPERMS for all military records. Please use the following link to review your record in real time: iPERMS RMA ( 

For all questions relating to official records (outside of OERs), please contact CGMHRR at: ​​​​​​​


Email completed OERs to:

Email OER questions to:

Email OER waiver requests to:

Email OSMS submissions and questions to: HQS-SMB-CGPSC-OPMOSMS@USCG.MIL


Expand List item 464Collapse List item 464  OPM-4: Career Management Counseling


OPM-4 provides dedicated career management counseling to officers of all grades; with special emphasis on individual competitiveness, future career decisions, and officer career management analysis while serving as a resource in responding to other staff actions concerning officer career management.  Also, upon request, to counsel officers concerning competitiveness and failure of selection for Post-Graduate and promotion for grades CWO2 thru O-6.

OPM-4 targets junior officers (O3 & below) since their careers are typically less defined than more senior officers. Consequently, they tend to have more questions about how different assignment scenarios could impact future career aspirations.  We also target officers that are in-zone for promotion to help ensure that they have a complete record going before the promotion board.  Nonetheless, any officer who desires to discuss aspects of their career will be given ample opportunity and have the ability to benefit from OPM-4 services.

Contact by email:

SharePoint Link:



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