Unit Roster



This topic provides the SPO data entry technician and Command Self Service role user with general information and links to step-by-step procedures to generate a Unit Roster.


The unit roster includes the following data elements. It can be generated in "CSV" format, which is compatible with MS Excel.

Column Description
Relationship Relationship to Parent Command (HRS, ISC, Own Unit)
Parent Deptid Department ID of the parent department
Emplid Member's Employee ID number
Empl Rcd Member's Employee Record number
Rank Member's Rate/Rank
Grade Member's paygrade
Member Last Name Member's last name
Member First Name Member's first name.
Employee Class Member's employee classification  (e.g AD for Active Duty, SEL for SELRES)
Deptid Member's assigned department ID
Dept Name Name of member's assigned department
ATU OPFAC Member's assigned department ATU and OPFAC number
Exp Loss Dt Member's expected loss date
Exp AD Term Dt Member's active duty termination date
Rotate Dt Member's rotation date
Birthdate Member's date of birth
AD Base Dt Member's active duty base date
Date of Rank Member's date of rank
Report Date Date member reported to current department
Anniversary Dt Reserve member's anniversary date (AY)
Sec Clearance Member's security clearance level
Trning Rate Reserve member's training rating (numeric code)
Cost Center Cost center for member's assigned position
Sea Pay Prem Dt Date career sea pay premium started
BAH/BAQ Member's BAH code and description
RES Screen Dt Reserve member's ASQ completion date
CUM Sea Time YY MM DD Years, Months and Days of cumulative sea time
Mar Stat Member's marital status
M = Married
D = Divorce
S = Single
Ethnic Group* Member's ethnic group
Last Good Con Dt Date of member's last Coast Guard Good Conduct Award
Position Nbr Member's assigned position number
Posn Entry Dt Date member reported to current position
Gender Member's gender. M = Male, F = Female
POSNSEN Position sensitivity code
POSNCLRNC Position security clearance requirement
CITZN Member's citizenship status
Leave Balance Member's leave balance
Obligation Code for obligated service.
Note: Numbered entries are for additional instances of the same type of obligation.
Code Description Short Name
L Long Term Training LTT
R Relocation Bonus Relo Bonus
S Recruitment Bonus Recruitmnt
0 Tuition Assistance 10 TA10
1 Tuition Assistance TA
2 Tuition Assistance 2 TA2
3 Tuition Assistance 3 TA3
4 Tuition Assistance 4 TA4
5 Tuition Assistance 5 TA5
6 Tuition Assistance 6 TA6
7 Tuition Assistance 7 TA7
8 Tuition Assistance 8 TA8
9 Tuition Assistance 9 TA9
A Advance Ed. Post Grad School PG SCHOOL
B Critical Skill Reten Bonus CSRB
C Cancelled Separation CNX SEP
D Critical Skill Reten Bonus 2 CSRB2
F Flight School Obligated Serv FLIGHT SCH
P Post 9/11 GI Bill PGIB
Effdt Effective date of service obligation
Duration Duration of service obligation from the effective date.
Reg Region Regulatory region code.
Regulatory Region Description
AD Active Duty
ANOAA Active Duty NOAA
MIX PHS Positions Filled by Military or Civilian
NOMIL No Military Service
RETCG Retired Coast Guard
RSV Reservists

*See known issues.

Direct Access Navigation

1. Portal Pagelet: N/A

2. Menu Path:  Human Resources, then Human Resources Reports and finally CG Unit Roster Report.

Direct Access Procedures

Topic User Guide (PDF)
Unit Roster

Known Issues

When HRS or ISC relationship is used members attached to the SPO (HRS) or Base (ISC) will not appear in the results. Run the query again with the "Own Unit" relationship to see data on these members.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



Contact the Pay & Personnel Center, Procedures & Development Branch, via e-mail to PPC-PF-PD@uscg.mil, with comments or questions about the content of this topic or the linked procedural guides.