Chaplain- Base Elizabeth City and Sector North Carolina

It is a great honor to serve as the Chaplain for Base Elizabeth City and Sector North Carolina. At Base Elizabeth City, we have a beautiful chapel called Wings of Faith Aviation Memorial Chapel. It was dedicated along with the memorial wall outside to be a continual tribute to those who have given their lives in service to our nation while serving in Coast Guard Aviation.
I invite you to join us on Sunday morning for worship, at one of our education programs or just to stop by for a quiet place for prayer, meditation or reflection. We have many religious books and resources also for your enrichment. I pray God's rich blessing on you as you serve our nation with honor, respect and devotion to duty.
Steven Lanclos LT, CHC, USN
Chaplain - USCG Base Elizabeth City and Sector North Carolina
1664 Weeksville Rd, Elizabeth City, NC 27909-5006
Office: 252-335-6202; Cell: 252-339-4014; E-mail:
Chapel Services
Christian Worship Services
Sunday Morning at 1000 (Chapel)
Weekly worship with Singing, Prayers, Scripture Reading, Sermon, and Celebration of the Lord's Supper. Children's Church provided during Sermon.
Weekly Bible Studies
Tuesdays at 1145-1230 (ALC Bldg 75 SRR Conference Room)
Military Wives Bible Fellowship
Tuesdays (seasonal) at 1000 (Chapel)
S.O.U.L.S. Meals Ministry to the Homeless: 3rd Friday of the Month 1645-1800. Contact Chaplain to sign up.
Sunday Morning Service Volunteers - Sing, Play Instruments, Help with Children's Church, Read Scripture, Usher and more.
Sector North Carolina Support
It is a great joy to visit all of the Sector North Carolina commands throughout the state to provide chaplain support. When I visit, I look forward to getting to know each crew, understand their mission and know how I can be of service to them and their families.
Religious Resources
At each Sector command, I hope to provide needed religious resources like Scriptures, devotional books, and other religious books. If there are specific needs that you might have, please contact Chaplain.
Lay Leaders Program
Commands can appoint authorized personnel as lay leaders on the basis of volunteerism, high moral character, motivation, religious interest, and certification by the appointee's religious organization.
Lay leaders are trained and supervised by a Chaplain. They can conduct religious studies, prayer services, etc. in accordance with their specific faith group. They also act as a liaison to the Chaplain to report religious needs of the crew. If you are interested in this program, please contact Chaplain.
North Carolina Chaplain Resources
Please click links below for other DOD area Chaplains.
CREDO Retreat Programs
CREDO Norfolk and Camp Lejeune, conduct a variety of retreats and workshops. This includes Personal Growth, Marriage, and Family Enrichment Retreats, a two-day "Personal Growth Workshop," Divorce Recovery retreats, Women's retreats, and Men's Retreats at various locations around the Hampton Roads and Jacksonville/Wilmington areas. All CREDO retreats are open to all active duty military and their immediate family members and members of reserve components in an active duty status and their immediate family members. Please contact CREDO for additional information on family member age requirements for the different retreats. Participants are responsible for their own child care arrangements.
All CREDO retreats are free, including meals and lodging. Registration is required. Due to high demand, registration for the marriage retreat opens 60 days prior to the first day of the retreat. On the day of the retreat, active-duty and reserve personnel E-5 and below must present no-cost TAD orders, a special request chit, or leave authorization covering the retreat period. Transportation is provided to some retreats but varies with the type and location of the retreat.
While CREDO programs are distinctly but not solely spiritual, looking beyond behaviors to affirm each person as a unique creation of God with value and significance, our goal is to build trust and facilitate an experience of unconditional acceptance. Each retreat offers an environment that invites reflection but does not attempt to "fix" people, define their religious or spiritual experience, or force them to work on issues.
For more information about any of these programs, please call CREDO Norfolk at (757) 444-7654 or Click Here Credo Norfolk
Adoption Resources
The Coast Guard provides some wonderful assistance to help families with adoptions.
COMDTINST 1754.9A authorize Reimbursement of certain adoption expenses for non-stepparent adoptions (independent and agency adoptions only) when the child is less than 18 years of age. The amount of reimbursement to a Coast Guard member or active duty couple is a maximum of $2,000.00 for one child or $5,000.00 for two children in any calendar year. For more information see:
COMDTINST M1000.6A, Article 7.A.10 authorizes up to 5 days administrative absence to attend to family needs after the birth or adoption of a child.
COMDTINST M1000.6A, Article 12.F.1 authorizes service members to apply for a one-time separation from active duty for up to two years to discharge parental responsibilities to care for newborn or adopted child.
Adoption Loan: Qualified adoption expenses are those reasonable and necessary expenses directly related to, and for the principal purpose of, the legal adoption of an eligible child and may include: Adoption fees; Attorney fees; Court costs; Required home inspection cost; Travel expenses (including meals and lodging) while away from home; Re-adoption expenses relating to the adoption of a foreign child
Adoption Grant: For expenses incurred on or after January 1, 2012, the CGMA Adoption Grant program may provide a grant for the home study expense directly related to the legal adoption of a child. For more information see:
The adoption tax credit offsets qualified adoption expenses, making adoption possible for some families who could not otherwise afford it. Your tax liability may be reduced if you adopt an eligible child and qualify for the Adoption Credit.
Generally, you may qualify for the Adoption Credit if you adopted an eligible child and paid qualified adoption expenses in connection with the adoption.
The amount of the tax credit is as much as $12,970 for tax year 2013. For adoptions finalized in 2014, there is a federal adoption tax credit of up to $13,190 per child. If you attempt to adopt a U.S. child, you may be able to claim the credit even if the adoption does not become final. If you adopt a U.S. child with special needs, you may qualify for the full amount of the Adoption Credit even if you paid little or no adoption-related expenses, if the adoption is final. A child is a U.S. child if he or she was a citizen or resident of the United States (including U.S. possessions) at the time the adoption attempt began. For more information see:
United States Navy Chaplains Serving The United States Coast Guard
Chaplain Corps Vision Statement
"Mission ready Coast Guard men and women and their families, demonstrating spiritual, moral, and ethical maturity supported by innovative delivery of religious ministry and compassionate pastoral care."
Chaplain Corps Mission Statement
"A Chaplain Corps which delivers religious accommodation, care, and advisement to strengthen faith, values, and virtues so that Coast Guard men and women and families may best serve our country."
Chaplain Corps Core Capabilities
As the spiritual leaders of the military, chaplains are responsible for tending to the spiritual well-being of service members and their families. The chaplain's responsibilities include everything from performing weddings and conducting worship services to providing personal counseling and advising commanders on moral and ethical issues. The chaplain's first obligations are to active duty service members and their family members. These obligations include the following:
PROVIDE and FACILITATE for religious needs and services
- Conducting worship and administering sacraments — Chaplains are responsible for making sure that service members have the opportunity to worship as they choose. This means that chaplains conduct worship services and administer sacraments consistent with their own faith and also seek out accommodations for persons of other faiths.
- Performing other religious ceremonies and services — Chaplains also perform religious rites and ceremonies such as baptisms, marriages and funeral or memorial services.
- Provide religious resources — the Chaplain office can assist in supplying service members and families with resources, books and supplies to accommodate their religious practice.
CARE: Provide compassionate support to service members and families in times of crisis and promote the well-being of all personnel through counseling and education.
- Confidential Pastoral Counseling for service members and their families — Chaplains can help address issues related to combat stress, deployment, marriage, profession, family, substance abuse, finances, stress and grief. All communications with a chaplain, chaplain assistant or religious program specialist are confidential. These communications cannot be disclosed to anyone else without the permission of the person seeking counseling.
- Visitation — Chaplains will regularly visit work and training areas as well as visitation to injured or sick service members.
- Conducting seminars and retreats — Chaplains conduct seminars and retreats for the moral, spiritual and social development of service members and their families. Seminar topics may include the following: marriage enrichment; parenting skills; spiritual leadership training; anger management; suicide prevention; spiritual formation for youth and adults
ADVISE: Advise commanders on matters related to faith and spiritual well-being, morale, and ethics to ensure the free exercise of religion.
Additionally, chaplains serve as command liaison to civilian religious leaders, communities, organizations, and agencies.