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Submitting Nominations for Honorary Awards

When nominating an employee or group of employees for an honorary award, nominating officials must ensure eligibility requirements are met and all required documents are submitted appropriately. The nominating official should take the steps below when submitting a nomination for an honorary award:

  • Review COMDTINST M12451.1C, the Coast Guard Civilian Awards Manual, for eligibility requirements of each award.
  • Contact Command Staff Advisor (CSA) or HR Specialist for assistance in determining employee eligibility.
  • Work with CSA/HR Specialist to determine necessary routing procedure; i.e. whether the nomination only needs to be routed locally within the command, or if it must be sent to Workforce Relations Division (CG-124) for routing to the Commandant.
  • Prepare necessary documents, write-ups, justifications, etc. as required for each award.
  • Route nomination and required documents through the nominee’s supervisory chain of command for approval. Include appropriate endorsement memo with nomination.
  • Work with CSA/HR Specialist to submit nomination and endorsement memo to CG-124 for nominations which require Commandant approval.

CG-124 will route nominations requiring Commandant approval through the Commandant’s Civilian Awards Board, DCMS, Vice Commandant and Commandant as appropriate. CG-124 will contact the nominating official once a final determination is made regarding the nomination. Once the nomination has been approved, CG-124 will arrange for procurement and delivery of award device to the nominating official. The nominating official is responsible for arranging presentation of the award to the employee.