Welcome Aboard!
The city of Kodiak sits on Kodiak Island, which is Alaska's largest island and the second-largest island in the United States. Known as the Emerald Isle, Kodiak’s landscape and wide variety of outdoor opportunities make it a great place to live and work.
Congratulations on your orders to Kodiak, AK! As you prepare for your upcoming PCS, your Welcome Aboard message has everything to get you started!
Sponsor Assignment: Your Sponsor will be your go-to! Their name and contact information will be included in your official welcome aboard message.
PCS Overseas Checklist: The welcome aboard message will also contain a PCS Overseas Checklist aimed to provide a step-by-step guide through the process for overseas assignment.
Overseas Entry Approval: Any member, with or without dependents, in receipt of orders to an overseas location must be screened by their departing unit and receive entry approval from the designated Entry Approval Point. If you received PCS orders to Kodiak, Dutch Harbor, Seward, Homer, Valdez, or Cordova, CG Base Kodiak is your Entry Approval Authority. You must start this process immediately as original orders cannot be issued until Entry Approval is granted. Without original orders you will not be able to setup a HHGs shipment or secure travel arrangements. For information on Entry Approval, please see https://cg.portal.uscg.mil/units/psc/psc-bops/SitePages/overseas_sceening.aspx. , and Select “Kodiak” from the drop down.
Entry approval cannot be granted until Base Kodiak receives the following:
- Completed CG-1300 for member and dependents with all required DIGITAL signatures.
- Completed CG-1300A or copy of credit score.
- Completed DD1746 Housing Application (forward to D17-DG-BaseKodiak-Housing).
- Completed CG-6100 for Active Duty Member (sent only to D17-SMB-BaseKodiak-HSWL-AlaskaMedicalOverseasScreening@uscg.mil)
- Completed CG-1300B for each accompanied Dependent (if applicable, sent only to D17-SMB-BaseKodiak-HSWL-AlaskaMedicalOverseasScreening@uscg.mil).
- Supporting documentation for questions answered that may impact entry approval (i.e. Negative 3307s, EERs, Court Memorandums, GTCC Application Status, etc.).
AMHS Travel: Payment of AMHS reservations must be made through the centrally billed account (CBA). Contact ADTRAV at (855) 576-4781 for reservations. It is highly recommended you become familiar with the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) Travel Policies. Not doing so may result in you not being permitted onboard. Changing or cancelling a reservation could incur up to a 40 percent penalty. Please visit http://www.dot.state.ak.us/amhs/policies.shtml for complete details to prepare you for your trip. Due to COVID 19, please review AMHS policies on testing requirements prior to boarding.
Household Goods/ Unaccompanied Baggage: IAW ref C, member is authorized to ship full weight allowance. Something to keep in mind is assignment to government quarters is mandatory. Space may be limited. Non-Temp storage of large or superfluous items at origin is advised prior to transfer. If residing aboard a ship or in UPH (barracks), limited quantity of UB/HHG is authorized (not to exceed 2000 pounds), and non-temp storage must be setup at origin for HHG exceeding 2000 pounds. Cordova, AK is designated as a one-time only shipment area and personally procured moves (PPM) are not authorized. Contact the servicing transportation office at (907)228-6433 or (907)228-0241 for details.
Housing: Assignment to Government Quarters is mandatory. Single E6 and below will be assigned to Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH). Members with dependents will be placed on a waiting list for assignment to Family Type Quarters based on the date entry approval is granted. Contact Base Kodiak Housing at (907)487-5170 x6640 for information.
Lodging: Members arriving with their dependents are entitled to Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA). TLA does not start until checked into the unit. During summer months, it can be challenging to find a temporary place to stay as hotels fill up fast. Please be sure to reserve a hotel well in advance. You may also find military friendly temporary lodging available on our Outlook Bulletin Board “D17-PF-Kodiak General Bulletin Board.” If you would like to make reservations with the Guest House located on Base Kodiak, call (907) 487-5446. Us of the Guest House is mandatory if space is available. Be sure to obtain a Statement of Non-Availability prior to booking commercially.
PCS Travel/TLA Claims: These claims can take anywhere between 3-6 weeks to pay out. Members are required (if authorized) to obtain a Government Travel Card prior to arriving to Kodiak. If GTCC cannot be obtained, ensure sufficient funds are available for lodging, meals, and incidentals. If you need information on how to apply for GTCC, please see your local admin.
COVID 19 Concerns: IAW Base Kodiak Industrial Hygiene Plan, D17 Travel Note, and the State of Alaska’s travel requirements, members PCSing to Kodiak must obtain two negative COVID test (One 72 hours prior to entry into the State, and the second 7-10 days after arrival). Those not tested are required to quarantine for 14 days. In order to stay current, it is highly encouraged you visit https://www.uscg.mil/coronavirus/ and subscribe to receive email updates. Additionally, you can find information regarding State of Alaska Health Mandates as it pertains to COVID-19 by visiting https://covid19.alaska.gov/health-mandates/. Please check this site regularly. For any questions, contact Base Medical at 907-487-5757.
- Base Kodiak Admin: (907) 487-5170 X6662, x6657, x6722, x6671, x6696, x6654, or x6721
- Base Kodiak Housing: (907)487-5170 x 6640
- Base Kodiak Transportation: (907)487-5170 x6663, x6658
- Base Kodiak Medical – Rockmore King Clinic: 907-487-5757
- Base Kodiak OOD: 907-539-7477
- Base Kodiak Police Department: 907-487-5555
- Base Kodiak DMAA: 907-654-0066
- Base Kodiak Obudsman - Nicki Tschida: ombudsmanbasekodiak@gmail.com