Family Advocacy Specialist (FAS)

New Orleans:     Office:  504-253-4860,
                           Office:   504-253-4700,
                           Office:  504-253-4702
Houston:            Office:  409-766-4802


The Family Advocacy Specialist (FAS) possesses in-depth knowledge about the dynamics of family maltreatment.  The FAS manages all Family Advocacy cases to ensure proper involvement, referrals, services, and follow-ups to assist commands and families. Information regarding incidents of family maltreatment reported within the Coast Guard are managed by the Family Advocacy Specialists in accordance with COMDT Instruction 1752.1, and are not made a part of the member's service record.

Family Maltreatment can involve an intimate partner or child; and encompasses emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect.



Restricted Report:

A report of an incident of intimate partner maltreatment made by an adult victim who requests FAP and/or medical services while also requesting that the maltreatment not be reported to the Coast Guard Investigative Service, the Incident Determination Committee, the victim’s or alleged offender’s command. In the Coast Guard, requests for restricted reporting can be received by a Coast Guard healthcare provider, a FAS, or other HSWL Regional Practice staff member when performing FAS duties.

Restricted reports are not allowed for cases of child maltreatment and must be reported to the state agency responsible for investigating such reports.

Unrestricted Report:

A report of an incident of intimate partner maltreatment by any person, including an adult victim, that uses current reporting channels, e.g., the chain of command, military or civilian law enforcement, or military criminal investigative organization, and the FAP for intervention.


  • Assist victims to identify their safety needs and create a plan to address them.
  • Offer community and Coast Guard based referrals for medical, legal and counseling interventions.
  • Coordinate services for members and families.
  • Assist commands to help service members and families involved in potentially abusive situations.
  • Support victims and offenders in their treatment process.
  • Prevent and reduce incidents of abuse through identification of trends, intervention, and education.

Families In Need of Services (FINS)

To prevent your family situation from reaching the level of maltreatment, the FAS staff can offer you information and referrals through the FINS program.  If you are concerned about the dynamics or behaviors in your relationship or family, the Family Advocacy Specialist can help.

Program Confidentiality

All discussions between a person using the Family in Need of Services program under the Family Advocacy Program and the Family Advocacy Specialist are strictly confidential.

All discussions between a victim of intimate partner maltreatment who has been provided the restricted reporting option and the Family Advocacy Specialist are strictly confidential as long as the victim or other involved persons are not in imminent danger of serious harm.

Discussions between a person using Family Advocacy Program maltreatment services, where the person has not qualified for the restricted reporting option, are confidential with the following exceptions:

  1. The Family Advocacy Specialist is required to report all unrestricted cases of abuse to Coast Guard Investigative Service.
  2. The Family Advocacy Specialist is required to notify all involved active duty members’ commands. Normally the information shared is limited to alleged incident details, the assessed risk for future incidents, and recommendations for protection and alleged offender treatment.
  3. Any allegations of child maltreatment must be reported to the state agency responsible for investigating such reports.



  • National Domestic Maltreatment Hotline
    (800) 799-SAFE (7233)
  • National Child Abuse Hotline
    (800) 4-A-CHILD|