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Coast Guard Incentive Awards Program

The Civilian Incentive Awards Program offers an array of tools for a supervisor seeking to reward an employee for exceptional performance/service. An award may be monetary or non-monetary (honorary), sometimes both, and should motivate and inspire an employee to even higher production and spark greater creativity. Exemplary performance, outstanding customer service and cost savings are examples of eligible award nomination criteria. Individuals and groups of employees are eligible for recognition through this program. Monetary awards include performance cash awards, Special Act or Service Awards and On-the-Spot Cash Awards. Incentive awards recognize accomplishments within or outside of normal job responsibilities resulting in tangible or intangible benefits. The Awards available to Coast Guard civilian employees are:

COMDTINST M12451.1C, the Coast Guard Civilian Awards Manual, provides detailed information about awards available to employees. A servicing Human Resources Specialist or Command Staff Advisor is the primary source for information regarding this program.