KMC Healthcare



Same day appointments are reserved for acute medical or dental conditions.
Walk-in or “sick call” types of services are not offered by this clinic.
To schedule a same day appointment please call: (508) 968-6582

Same day appointments are set aside throughout the day in order to provide our customers the flexibility to schedule an appointment for an acute illness or injury. In the event there are no acute appointments available, patients will be offered triage and evaluation by a qualified Independent Duty Health Services Technician (IDHS).

Patients and commands must anticipate the following access standards:

  1. Acute illness/injury will be seen within 24 hours
  2. Routine appointments will be scheduled within 30 days

Missed Appointments: Patients are expected to keep their medical appointments. Last moment cancellations or "No Shows" will not be tolerated. Appointments can be cancelled 24 hours prior to the appointment and can be accomplished by calling our front desk during normal work hours.

In an effort to reduce late arrivals and missed appointments, the clinic has implemented the following policy:

  1. Patients must arrive 15 minutes prior to their actual scheduled appointment time or the appointment will be rescheduled.
  2. Failed appointments will result in the notification of the member's supervisor.



Reserve personnel must bring a copy of their orders when they report for any appointment. Reserve health care is limited to acute conditions that occurred while on an active duty status. The clinic is not open on weekends or afterhours. Please contact our Duty HS1 Cell phone for advice & guidance at: (508) 274-9652

Reserve personnel are also reminded that if you are sick or injured prior to a scheduled drill, you are not authorized to report for duty. Contact your reserve unit and report your situation prior to departing your home to attend weekend drills or annual two week ADT.



Military personnel must be in the appropriate uniform of the day when reporting to KMC unless you're in official leave status. Tasteful civilian attire is required.



Physical Therapy Department

The Physical Therapy (PT) Department: Staffed with a part-time contract physical therapist and the PT services are limited to active duty patients only. (M-W-F)

X-Ray Department: We utilize off base civilian x-ray services.

Smoking Cessation Program: We offer appointments for active duty personnel only. Treatments are tailored by our Pharmacist Provider and appointments can be made by calling (508) 968-6582.

Laboratory: Staffed by a Health Services Technician and we offer very limited in-house laboratory testing. Most laboratory samples collected in our laboratory are sent out to a civilian laboratory contract.

Immunizations: For guidance on current immunization recommendations, please visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or Military Vaccine Agency. Please note that some vaccines may not be available and you should contact us in advance by calling (508) 968-6582 and ask to speak with the Immunization Department Petty Officer.


The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.