Pay & Personnel Center

Procedures & Development (P&D) Branch

PPC Procedures and Development University

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U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
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Welcome to the Procedures and Development (P&D) Branch “University ”. Your source for Virtual Road Shows! This section is designed to allow you to select topics from an “a la carte” menu to develop your own personal or divisional training programs. These are the same presentations we use when we deliver on-site training. If you need assistance regarding a particular topic or you wish for us to include a topic, you may contact us at:   PPC-SMB-PPC-PD@uscg.mil

The following workshop topic areas are available:

Reserve Workshop

Human Resources Workshop

OUTCONUS PCS & Entitlements Workshop

Other Unique Topics of Interest

Words of Wisdom Wednesdays (2019)

Top Ten Tuesdays (2017)

Presentations Library

Reserve Workshop

Our Reserve Workshop was created for Reserve members based on inquiries for information and assistance from Reservists throughout the Coast Guard. It is not intended to provide you with an all encompassing background on all Reserve matters, rather, to:

  • Provide you the web links to Coast Guard policies
  • Give you an understanding of procedures, and 
  • Provide you with the skills to apply this information to enter accurate data into Direct Access (DA) that affects your pay and personnel issues.

You will find a comprehensive list of virtual recordings designed to allow you to select topics from an “a la carte” menu to develop your own personal or divisional training programs. 

Topic Description Link/Length
Active Duty Orders This presentation walks through how a Self Service for Command user creates Reserve Active Duty Orders in Direct Access. AD Orders - Command
(16 min)
This presentation walks a Reserve Member through requesting Reserve Active Duty Orders in Direct Access using Self Service. AD Orders - Self Service
(11 min)
Advancements This presentation explains the Advancement process for Reserve Members. Advancement
(25 min)
Annual Screening Questionnaire This presentation walks a Reserve Member through entering their Annual Screening Questionnaire in Direct Access using Self Service. ASQ
(5 min)
Apply for a Mobilization This presentation walks a Reserve Member through Applying for a Mobilization Opportunity in Direct Access using Self Service. Mobilization
(15 min)
Inactive Duty for Training
This presentation walks a Reserve Member through entering an IDT Request in Direct Access using Self Service. Entering an IDT Request - Self Service
(5 min)
This presentation walks through how a Self Service for Command user schedules and approves an IDT Request in Direct Access. Schedule/Approve an IDT - Command
(10 min)
This presentation walks through how a Self Service for Command user schedules and approves a Multiple IDT Request in Direct Access. Schedule/Approve a Multiple IDT - Command
(12 min)
PPC Website Overview This presentation walks through the features and content of our website. PPC Web Overview (18 min)
RELAD This presentation explains the basics of the Release from Active Duty or RELAD process for Reserve Members. RELAD
(13 min)
Reserve Component - Survivor Benefit Plan This presentation explains the basics for the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan for Reserve Members. RC-SBP
(12 min)
Reserve Reports
This presentation walks through how a Self Service for Command user views a Reserve Member's All Duty Report in Direct Access. All Duty Report - Command
(2 min)
This presentation explains the My Reserve Drills Report as well as the All Duty Report for a Reserve Member using Self Service in Direct Access. Reserve Reports - Self Service
(5 min)
This presentation explains the View Member Drills Report for a Self Service for Command user in Direct Access. View Member Drills - Command
(9 min)
Reserve Retirement Points Statement This presentation explains the Reserve Retirement Points Statement to Reserve Members. Points Statement
(25 min)
Retirement This presentation explains the Retirement process for Reserve Members. Retirement
(12 min)

Human Resources (HR) Workshop

Our Human Resources Workshop was created to provide SPO personnel with the basic information needed to address concerns or correct problems utilizing various Coast Guard Human Resource Systems in accordance with appropriate Coast Guard policies.

You will find a comprehensive list of virtual recordings designed to allow you to select topics from an “a la carte” menu to develop your own personal or divisional training programs.


 Topic Description Link/Length
Advancements This presentation explains the Advancement process for Active Duty Members. Advancement
(20 min)


Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)


This presentation provides basic information on Basic Allowance for Housing. 
Basic Allowance for Housing
(8 min)



This presentation provides information on the Coast Guard’s Bonus programs. Bonuses
(12 min)

Career Sea Pay and Career Sea Pay Premium


This presentation provides information on eligibility for Career Sea Pay and Career Sea Pay Premium as well as Sea Pay while TDY. Career Sea Pay/Premium
(15 min)

Coast Guard Standard Meal Rate (CGSMR) Deduction and Refund for Missed Meals (RMM)


This presentation provides basic information and how to enter CG Standard Meal Rate (CGSMR) and Refund of Missed Meals (RMM) in Direct access. CG Standard Meal Rate (CGSMR)/Refund for Missed Meals (RMM)
(12 min)



In this presentation we discuss reenlistment and extensions of enlistment contracts. Contracts
(18 min)


Corrections, Deletions, and Stops


This presentation explains the process for correcting, deleting, and stopping pay entitlements in Direct Access. Corrections, Deletions,
and Stops
(10 min)
Inactive Duty for Training (IDT)

This presentation walks through how a Self Service for Command user schedules and approves an IDT Request in Direct Access.

This presentation walks through how a Self Service for Command user schedules and approves a Multiple IDT Request in Direct Access.

Schedule/Approve an IDT - Command
(10 min)

Schedule/Approve a Multiple IDT - Command
(12 min)

Job Data


This presentation provides the procedures for viewing Job Data in Direct Access. Job provides a snapshot of a member’s entire Coast Guard career. Understanding Job Data
(9 min)
Overpayments / Debts This presentation provides the SPO user with a basic overview of Overpayments and In-Service Debts. Researching Overpayments/Debts
(20 min)
Pay Processing Shortcuts This presentation provides the procedures for viewing the Pay Processing Shortcuts in Direct Access. SPO users should use the links to audit and verify pay transactions submitted on members. Pay Processing Shortcuts
(15 min)


PCS Departing and Reporting


In this presentation we discuss the Airport Terminal, Orders and Endorsements. We'll also explain Direct Access PCS auto stops and auto stops. PCS
(11 min)

PPC Website Overview This presentation walks through our website content and features PPC Web Overview (18 min)
Reports and Queries This presentation shows how to run, and understand, the BAH/COLA Report and the Payroll Verification Report. The presentation also provides the procedure for requesting an Adhoc report from PPC. Reports & Queries
(10 min)



Reserve Active Duty Orders


This presentation walks through how a Self Service for Command user creates Reserve Active Duty Orders in Direct Access.


AD Orders - Command
(16 min)


Reserve Reports


This presentation walks through how a Self Service for Command user views a Reserve Member's All Duty Report in Direct Access. 

This presentation explains the View Member Drills Report for a Self Service for Command user in Direct Access.

All Duty Report - Command
(2 min)

View Member Drills - Command
(9 min)



This presentation explains the basics about Separations and the DD214. Separations/DD-214
(13 min)

Service Validations


This presentation provides an overview of  the types of service validations. These include; Statements of Creditable Service (SOCS), Statements of Creditable Sea Service (SOCSS), Transcript of Sea Service (TOSS), and Reserve Retirement Points Statements.  Service Validations
(11 min)





This presentation provides information on common errors in submission of PCS Travel Claims Travel
(9 min)





OUTCONUS PCS and Entitlements

Under construction.

These are topics that have been requested by OUTCONUS SPOs to help address issues with OUTCONUS assignments:

Topic  Description Link/Length
Alaska PCS Base Kodiak presentation on PCS. Applies for anyone headed to Alaska/D17 updatedAlaska PCS Information (8 min) 

For those with limited bandwidth: Compressed (.zip) PowerPoint Version (script is in the notes section of each slide)
OUTCONUS COLA This presentation explains OUTCONUS Cost of Living Allowance  About O'COLA (4 min)

More coming soon! Please check back for updates.

Other / Unique Topics of Interest

Under construction.

We also offer various other unique presentations listed below. These are topics that have been requested from the field so if you see a need for something, please let us know:

Topic  Description Link/Length
Overpayments/Debts This presentation walks a SPO user through the process of Identifying and Researching Overpayments or In-Service Debts. Researching Overpayment/Debts
(11 min)
SGLI/FSGLI/TSGLI The presentation shows the steps for  Identifying SGLI, FSGLI AND TSGLI Arrears. Identifying  Insurance Arrears
(3 min)
OUTCONUS COLA This presentation explains OUTCONUS Cost of Living Allowance  About O'COLA
(4 min)
Transferring Education Benefits The presentation shows the steps for Transferring Education Benefits to dependents and discusses benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill and the Post 9/11 GI BIll. This power point was created by YN2 Jeffrey Alexander and CWO Jennifer Brown from Sector Delaware Bay and has been validated by the PSC (PSD-fs) GI Bill Management and Program Specialist.  Transferring Education Benefits



More coming soon! Please check back for updates.

Words of Wisdom Wednesdays

These are recordings of online webinars conducted by P&D in 2019.

17 April 2019; Understanding Pay Calculations

22 May 2019; Understanding Pay Calculations Part II

26 June; The Airport Terminal

14 August: ​Reserve Pay Processing - Best Practices

​25 September: Understanding Reserve Pay Calculations

Top Ten Tuesdays

Here are the slides, questions, and answers from our 2017 "Top 10 Tuesdays" discussion sessions:

17 January 2017-The Top 10 Things You Should Know About Direct Access

21 February 2017-The Top 10 Things You Should Know About Travel and WEB TPAX

21 March 2017-The Top 10 Things You Should Know About PCS

18 April 2017-The Top 10 Things You Should Know About Bonuses

16 May 2017-Top 10 Things You Should Know About Reserve Orders

20 June 2017-Top 10 Things You Should Know about Separations

18 July 2017-Top 10 Things You Should Know about Advancements

15 August 2017-Top 10 Things You Should Know about Overpayments and Debt Collections

19 September 2017-Top 10 Things You Should Know about Retirement

17 October 2017-Top 10 Things You Should Know about Direct Access Self-Service

Presentations Library

The Pay and Personnel Center has a library of Direct Access informational material available in Power Point (PPTX) format.  Contact PPC Procedures and Development Branch (P&D) at PPC-SMB-PPC-PD@uscg.mil for more information or for a copy of any of the presentations listed below.

Topic Description
Advancement This provides a stem-to-stern explanation of the Enlisted Advancement process.
Aviation Incentive Pay (AvIP) This provides a basic understanding of the policy/rules/definitions regarding AvIP.
BAH/COLA/Payroll Verification Reports This provides detailed instructions on how to run the BAH/COLA and the Payroll Verification reports in DA.
Contracts This provides instructions and guiding principles for processing/approving/printing Reenlistment, Extensions/Reextensions Contracts in Direct Access. This also covers Extension reports available in DA.
Corrections, Deletions and Stops This provides instructions on which specific pay entitlements can be corrected, deleted or stopped in DA using Pay Corrections. It also addresses BAH and CONUS COLA changes as well as In Range vs Out of Range.
Debts, Payments, Advances and Payslips This discusses debts, payments, advances and payslips.
Identifying In-Service Debts in DA This provides the procedures for Identifying In-Service Debts, Determining the Remaining Balance owed for a Debt and doing Research when a member has multiple debts open in Direct Access.
IDT Orders - Command This provides instructions for a Command to process IDT Orders.
IDT Orders - Multiple This provides instructions for a Command to process IDT Orders for multiple members.
IDT Orders - Resubmitting Denied IDTs This provides instructions for correcting & resubmitting denied IDT Orders
IDT Orders - Self Service Member This provides instructions for a Member to process IDT Orders.
IDT Payments in Direct Access This provides instructions for identifying Paid IDT Drill Dates in Direct Access.
Job Data This provides instructions for reading & understanding Job Data in Direct Access.
My Reserve Poimt Statement - Member This provides guidance for the member to read and understand the Reserve Retirement Points Statement.
Pay Entitlements This provides a basic understanding of Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), Coast Guard Standard Meal Rate (CGSMR), Refund Missed Meals (RMM) & Career Sea Pay (CSP)/Career Sea Pay Premium (CSPP)
Pay Processing Shortcuts This provides a basic understanding of Pay Calculation Results, Element Assignment by Payee (EABP) and One Time (Positive Input) (OTPI) in Direct Access.
PCS Orders This provides the basic information regarding PCS orders in Direct Access.
Reserve Active Duty Orders - Command This provides instructions for the Command processing of Reserve AD Orders.
Reserve AD Orders - SPO Processing This provides instructions for SPO processing of Reserve AD Orders.
Reserve Member Balances - Command This provides guidance for the Command to read and understand the Reserve Retirement Points Statement.
Reserve Reports - Command This provides instructions for running Reserve reports (View Member Drills, Member All Duty Report) in DA.
Reserve Reports - Member This provides instructions for running Reserve reports (My Reserve Drills, Member All Duty Report) in DA.
Separations This provides basic information about the different types of Separations and how to process them in Direct Access. This also covers Separation reports as well as information regarding the DD-214.
SGLI, FSGLI and TSGLI Arrears This provides procedures to correctly identify whether a member is in arrears for SGLI, FSGLI, and TSGLI as well as the amount of the arrears.
Travel This provides some basic information and common errors in the submission of TDY and PCS claims.