Jan. 24, 2018 —

The Coast Guard released a request for proposal (RFP) Jan. 16 for design, construction and support of a new fleet of cutter boats-large (CB-L). The CB-Ls will replace the current fleet of 36 cutter boats that operate aboard the Service’s 210-foot medium endurance cutters, 225-foot seagoing buoy tenders, and Coast Guard cutters Alex Haley and Mackinaw.
The Coast Guard plans to award one firm fixed-price indefinite delivery, indefinite contract that includes a minimum initial delivery order of two CB-Ls and associated outfit, parts and logistics information. The contract allows for the acquisition of up to 46 boats over five years, including potential foreign military sales, and is worth a total maximum value of $20 million. The RFP is available here.
Proposals are due March 2 at noon Eastern time, with boat delivery required within one year from the date of the delivery order.
Prior to releasing the RFP, the Coast Guard conducted extensive market research, including inviting potential offerors to make presentations on their ability to compete for the CB-L award. “The existing boats on these four classes of cutters are no longer sustainable, since the manufacturer went out of business. The new CB-L will meet this operational need,” said Cmdr. David Obermeier, deputy program manager for boats acquisition.
For more information: Boat Acquisition Program page