Transition and Relocation Manager:                                            

Jennifer Conole




Housing Management Assistant:

DCC Russell Dever


(707) 442-1473


(Backup HMA: DC1 Nicholas Michel, Nicholas.r.michel@uscg.mil)


Transportation Officer / Household Goods:

Mr. James Bode


(510) 437-3106


Welcome Aboard Info: Check out the Humboldt Command Welcome Package for local POCs, driving directions, resources, individual unit info, and housing info.


Unit Information Sheets: Find your unit in the CGPortal for additional information. Select your state, and find your duty station in the list. You may also find a link to the public information site on your receiving unit here, or by searching at www.uscg.mil/d11.


PCS Checklists: Military.com has great checklists for your PCS to help you stay organized!


Housing Information: ALL transferring members (regardless of rank or marital status) must be released from government housing. Your BAH will not be started until you get released. Contact the Housing Officer by emailing Russell.m.dever@uscg.mil


Housing Search websites:

Military Housing Search Database: www.homes.mil




If you have school aged children, school enrollment may be the biggest source of stress as you transfer. Please review deadlines, immunizations, and academic requirements to ensure your child is prepared to enroll. Military families enjoy some measure of protection for issues around enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation under the Military Inter-State Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) and also under California SB-1455 (see additional info below), but be prepared to request a conversation with your child’s school representative, guidance counselor, principal, District representative, or, at the highest level, the state’s MIC3 Commission. Remember that YOU will be the best advocate for your child. If you encounter any difficulties along the way, Base Alameda is here to help (see below contact info for Ms. Lena Gavello).


The Military Child Education Coalition’s website has information about transferring schools for military kids (www.militarychild.org). Check out their “On the Move” magazine.


Legislative update!

SB-1455 Pupil Enrollment: Military Dependents (effective January 2017)

This bill allows Active Duty dependent school-age children to be enrolled in schools, programs and courses electronically when their parent has been transferred, or is pending transfer, to a military installation within a school’s boundary. Military orders must be in hand and proof of residence must be provided within 10 days of report date. Proof of residency can include: temporary on-base billeting, lease or purchase agreement including on/off installation housing. Read complete bill.

California Education Code Section 48204.3


School Research: Visit http://www.greatschools.org/ or https://www.schoolquest.org/ or www.sarconline.org for information on area schools.

School Districts by County: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_districts_in_California_by_county

California Special Education Local Plan Areas: http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/as/caselpas.asp

If you have any questions regarding school enrollment and you cannot get an answer from your child’s school or district, please contact Ms. Lena Gavello, Base Alameda at Lena.M.Gavello@uscg.mil or (510)437-3237.


Moving/Travel Claims: www.move.mil – This is the Defense Personal Property Program’s (D3P) website for arranging your household goods move. Also, attached is the checklist for a member who is doing a self move – read it carefully! Failure to do so may result in unnecessary out-of-pocket costs for you and your family! Empty weight ticket(s) should cite member’s name, employee ID or SSN and signature of weight master. Per ALCOAST 365/10: Empty weight ticket(s) for PPM must be obtained from the place of origin.


Vehicle Registration and License Information: Nonresident military personnel are exempt from paying licensing fees on vehicles registered under their name. More information on vehicle requirements for California on the California Highway Patrol website.


Electricity/Gas savings: Your power will likely be supplied by Pacific Gas & Electric, and you may qualify for payment assistance or discounts on your bill. More info here: https://www.pge.com/en_US/residential/save-energy-money/help-paying-your-bill/payment-assistance-overview/payment-assistance-overview.page?


Emergency Preparedness: California has droughts, earthquakes, and wildfires! Go to the Ready.gov website (https://www.ready.gov/) for information, checklists, and ways to prepare. Humboldt County’s emergency preparedness website also has great info: (http://humboldtgov.org/356/Office-of-Emergency-Services/). Lastly, e-subscribe with Humboldt County’s notification system to receive notifications.


Firearms Information: Firearms laws and information for new California residents, including military personnel: http://ag.ca.gov/firearms/ab991.php. A “New Resident Handgun Ownership Report” for handguns must be submitted to the Department of Justice, along with a $19.00 fee.

Ombudsman Contact Info:  Go to www.cgombudsmanregistry.org and click on "Contact Your Ombudsman" at the bottom of the page to reach out to your new unit Ombudsman. Connecting with your Ombudsman is vital for emergencies, and extremely valuable for family members who want to hear about resource information. Too many spouses are unaware of programs, services, and resources available because they are never connected to their Ombudsman!


Tricare/Medical: Your TRICARE benefit is managed by a regional contractor. When you move, you must take a few key steps to ensure continuity of healthcare coverage. Go to the TRICARE “Moving” website for information on:

  • Transferring your TRICARE enrollment

  • Updating DEERS information

  • Finding a doctor or MTF

  • Changing your PCM

  • Special Needs situations

  • More!

    Follow  the prompts to enter your eligibility details to receive the  most relevant information for you and your family.


Childcare Information: Humboldt Bay is somewhat remote, with no local CDC. For info on local military childcare info, contact the Child Development Services Specialist at (510) 437-3237.


An alternative to the military childcare system is the use of the USCG Childcare Subsidy, which is based on family income. You must find your own provider and supply the provider’s license information to GSA as part of your application, along with financial documents (Earning Statement, tax return info, etc). More info can be found at the GSA’s subsidy website.


To find a licensed provider, go to http://www.childcareaware.org/ - Click “Search Now” on the home page. Type in your zip code or city to find the contact info for your local child care referral agency (keep this info for when you transfer - it's good all over the country) will appear.


CG SUPRT Program: 1-855-247-8778;   www.cgsuprt.com 

Information on childcare, counseling, relocation, legal and financial consultation, suicide intervention, and other support services for you and your family.


Humboldt Area Community Information: Go to the McKinleyville Community Services District website at http://mckinleyvillecsd.com/ for information on the local area, including events and activities. Click on the Newsletter and Activity guide for periodic updates to local programs. You can also go to the Humboldt Bay Harbor website at http://humboldtbay.org/ for recreation info.


MWR / Recreation Info: MWR’s ticket offices sell discounted tickets for movies, events, attractions, theme parks, and more! Contact the Humboldt MWR office at (707) 839-6592 for more info.


Women, Infants, and Children: Many military families qualify for WIC! WIC does not include BAH and FSH as income, but does include BAS and FSA. Additional Pays and Allowances may be included in income calculations. Please contact your WIC office for more specific information: http://www.humboldtgov.org/657/Women-Infants-Children-WIC

The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.