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The Pay and Personnel Center (PPC) Customer Care Branch is receiving a high volume of phone calls and email inquiries from customers indicating Direct Access is down, timing out, or not accessible. If you or your members are experiencing any of the below error codes, please submit your concerns to C5ISC via CGFIXIT Ticket with a screenshot of the error code along with the IP Address you are attempting to log into DA from. PPC is unable to resolve Direct Access connectivity and system issues.

Errors identified:

  • Spinning circle
  • DA Link is timing out
  • 404 Error code
  • Authorization Error – Contact your Security Administrator
  • Hmmm… Can’t reach this page


The password reset function in Direct Access doesn’t function as designed. The loss of functionality is a result of Direct Access’s migration to a cloud provider’s servers.  We apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, the Pay and Personnel Center (PPC) does not have oversight of Direct Access functionality. PPC has made the C5I Service Center aware of the degradation in password reset functionality.  The C5I Service Center is working diligently to correct this issue.  In the meantime, please submit a trouble ticket (or call), so one of our technicians can assist in resetting your password.

If your email address is NOT present or is incorrect, you will not be able to use the self-service password reset feature. Your business email address in DIRECT ACCESS must be added to the system or corrected.  Active duty and Reserve members must contact your P&A office or Servicing Pay Office (SPO) for assistance to update. 

Please note: Customer Care will no longer send password resets for active/reserve military members or civilian employees to personal email addresses. All password resets will be sent to USCG.MIL email addresses only. Do not submit multiple requests.  Please allow 5 days upon submission for response. 

Guide: Passwords and Set up/Update Security Questions


At present, for temporary, permanent, VA offset, AEW’s, CRDP, and CRSC disability, we are encountering a processing delay due to systematic issues and a shortage of personnel. You remain our primary concern. We want to assure you that we are fully committed to resolving these issues promptly and handling your cases with utmost proficiency.

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Mailing Address:

Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724
0730-1600 (Central time) M-F



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Enlisted Reserve Advancement Announcement


ALCGRSV 034/23
A. Enlistments, Evaluations, and Advancements, COMDTINST M1000.2 (series)
B. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28 (series)
C. Body Composition Standards Program, COMDTINST 1020.8 (series)
1. The following personnel may be advanced to the rating/paygrade indicated
effective 01 August 2023 provided the requirements of Refs A-C are met:
Rank  Name                    DEPTID  SPOID
BMC   Mary Murphy             000007  045431
BMC   Samuel Papp             000196  042191
BMC   Rocco Steco             006444  006420
BMC   Timothy Mcdaniel        038622  046734
BMC   Matthew Blazewicz       000006  042822
BM1   Ryan Artman             000457  038079
BM1   Jason Brown             038632  041675
BM1   Joshua Bjorklund        000402  038079
BM1   Gabriel Ortiz-Modestti  000011  041675
BM2   Mark Giordano           000567  002667
CS1   Brian Asher             000408  042191
HS2   Marcus Mccoy            049245  042311
ME2   Miguel Kanemoto-Urias   007341  042632
ME2   Jesus Medina            007220  042632
ME2   Bairon Gomez            007220  042632
ME2   Jacob Fernandes         007274  045431
ME2   Michael Hydrick         038643  042311
MKC   Ryan Swartz             000394  002420
MKC   Michael Yokubaitis      000018  042191
MKC   Sean Damitio            000629  042256
MKC   Jason Loerwald          000239  042311
MK1   Joseph Velez            000596  042311
MK1   Montie Sibley           036066  042311
MK1   Kevin Wippel            000566  002667
MK1   Chuck Evans             007498  041675
MK1   Kristin Matuska         000324  046017
MST2  Gabrielle Zirolli       007502  041675
MST2  Joshua Sagona           007289  045431
MST2  Danna Raske             007726  042311
OS1   Kyle Urquhart           038634  041675
YN2   Paul Maynard            042191  042191
2. The Commanding Officer's (CO's) recommendation for advancement (Ready)
must be maintained for the period from recommendation to advancement. In
addition, E-7, E-8, and E-9 candidates must not have an unsatisfactory
conduct mark on an enlisted evaluation for 24 months prior to the terminal
eligibility date. Personnel failing to maintain the CO's recommendation
(Ready) for this period shall be invalidated from the Reserve Service Wide
Exam (RSWE) and Reserve Master Chief Advancement Panel (RMCAP) in which
they participated. Personnel who have been invalidated must be recommended
and qualify again through a new RSWE or RMCAP competition.
3. CO's shall immediately notify those members eligible for advancement and
take the appropriate administrative action. CO's may withhold or cancel
advancements of ineligible personnel IAW Ref B and Art. 3.A.1 of Ref C.
When an advancement is withheld or cancelled, the CO shall immediately
notify Pay & Personnel Center (ADV) by email via AOIX at CMD-SMB-CG-PPC and
info CMD-SMB-CG-PSC. Please note C2OIX does not transfer to AOIX.
4. Per Article 3.A.10 of Ref A, personnel in certain ratings must meet
security clearance requirements for advancement.
5. CO's shall ensure personnel advancing to pay grades E-7 thru E-9
obligate required service prior to advancement per Article 3.A.21.c of
Ref A.
6. The rank order number for each individual identified for advancement in
the ERAA is no longer indicated. The RSWE Advancement Eligibility List
containing the original rank order number may be found at the Pay and
Personnel Center (PPC) SharePoint site: https://uscg.sharepointmil.us/
20Data%20Corrections.aspx but is subject to change. This ERAA, to include
unit designations, will be made available at the above PPC SharePoint site.
7. Upon approved advancement, members are authorized to update their rank
as it appears in the Global Address List (GAL) from the Self-Service portal
at https://EDMS.uscg.mil/SelfService. This can be done as a standard user
without requiring admin-privileges. Rank updates do not require a call to
CGFIXIT or submission of a CGFIXIT Ticket. A self-help tech-tip guide on
how to update your rank in the GAL may be found at the following SharePoint
site: https://uscg.sharepoint-mil.us/sites/C5IKnowledge/UserTechTips/
8. POCs for this message are CWO3 Arnold Uhrina, email:
Arnold.Z.Uhrina@uscg.mil, phone: 202-795-6514 or YNC Jeffree C. Craigwell,
email: Jeffree.C.Craigwell@uscg.mil, phone: 202-795-6500.
9. CAPT T. E. Fryar, Chief CG PSC-RPM, sends.
10. Internet release authorized.

The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.