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USCG Pay & Personnel Center             


Our Pay and Personnel Center team members are users of Direct Access –just like you– and are similarly impacted by challenges with the system.  Though the Pay and Personnel Center does not own or control repairs to Direct Access, we continue to advocate with the Program Office to prioritize repairs and the C5I Service Center to conduct those repairs.  We appreciate your patience and grace during this time period.

In essence, Direct Access is our ship . . . and our ship is damaged and undergoing depot-level repairs.  The crew at the Pay and Personnel Center are just as eager for Direct Access to come back to fully mission capable, so we can better serve our Coast Guard families.


At present, for temporary, permanent, VA offset, AEW’s, CRDP, and CRSC disability, we are encountering a processing delay due to systematic issues and a shortage of personnel. You remain our primary concern. We want to assure you that we are fully committed to resolving these issues promptly and handling your cases with utmost proficiency.

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Mailing address:

Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724



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Log on to ETS/ETS Logo https://e2.gov.cwtsatotravel.com/




Pay & Personnel News Updates from our Branches



R 301231Z AUG 23 MID600053299536U
ALCGENL 184/23
A. CG PSC‐EPM Memo 1430 of 23 JUN 2023 (MAY 2023 SWE Adv Eligibility List)
B. CG PSC‐EPM Memo 1430 of 29 AUG 2023 (CMS Adv Eligibility List)
C. Enlistments, Evaluations, and Advancements, COMDTINST M1000.2 (series)
E. Military Assignments, COMDTINST M1000.8 (series)
1. Advancement cuts are based on forecasted losses and position reductions
during a specific period of eligibility and are designed primarily for
assignment officer planning purposes. CG Personnel Service Center‐Enlisted
Personnel Management will revise these cut numbers as new loss data
impacting the enlisted workforce becomes available.
2. The information below provides the cutoff number (ADV sequence) and the
name of the member at the cutoff position for the respective rate from Refs A
and B with exception of BM2, CS2, DC2, EM2, ET2, and IT2 which uses the
Supplemental List.
Exam ADV Name Exam ADV Name
Rate Seq. Rate Seq.
AETCS 9 Andrew Morris AMTCS 7 Joseph Sippel
AETC 16 Brooks Koegel AMTC 15 Kristian Sather
AET1 30 Tyler Johnson AMT1 25 Lane Dalton
AET2 66 Hunter Sanderson AMT2 42 Nestor Figueroa Rivera
ASTCS 7 Charles Clayton BMCS 1 Barbara Elkins
ASTC 6 Ernest Child BMC 51 Blake Garcia
AST1 9 Bryan Evans BM1 76 Mitchell Mcenaney
AST2 15 Richard Harris BM2 SL
CMSCS 1 Sean O'Sullivan CSCS 3 Wayne House
CMSC 3 Joseph Watford CSC 5 Christian Rivera
CMS1 0 CS1 12 Samuel Hawksley
DCCS 5 Fernando Torres DVCS 1 Manuel Severino
DCC 17 Christopher Barkley DVC 2 Daniel Waddell
DC1 14 Andrew Lopez DV1 2 Ryan McManus
EMCS 6 Christina Clark ETCS 5 Brian Oakland
EMC 20 John Ziemba ETC 12 Darrick Erbey
EM1 49 Jake Lane ET1 32 James Cachelin
GMCS 3 Joshua Summers HSCS 4 Travis Brown
GMC 13 William Johnson HSC 10 Sarah Smiley
GM1 14 Wayne Fickes HS1 21 Melinda Leiva
GM2 34 Latigo Vanburkleo HS2 63 Melissa Weyand
ISCS 1 Adam Nesbitt ITCS 3 Brett Snyder
ISC 6 Heather Huggins ITC 15 Antoine Brown
IS1 34 Kennedy Cantu IT1 21 Kyle Quimby
IS2 67 Deion Boles IT2 SL
MECS 6 Chad Childers MKCS 10 Carlos Colon
MEC 9 Kyle Hamlin MKC 35 Zackary Thompson
ME1 6 Daniel Mandolfo MK1 45 Chelsea Ferdig
ME2 32 Kyle Mazza MK2 100 Lance Ballard
MSTCS 3 Donald Anderson OSCS 7 Lindsay Barclift
MSTC 24 Jeremy Will OSC 13 David Krahn
MST1 25 Robert Krajnik OS1 23 Nicholas King
MST2 33 Tristan Perry OS2 90 Chase Russell
PACS 0 SKCS 2 Kenneth Godlewski
PAC 2 Corinne Zilnicki SKC 10 Charles Freeman
PA1 0 SK1 0
PA2 2 Erik Villa Rodriguez SK2 48 Sean Wilson
YNCS 4 Jonathon Dormeier
YNC 8 Alexander Vinkavich
YN1 8 Kate Russell
YN2 10 Brittany Smith
3. All ratings identified in Refs A and B are listed above. The original
rank order number may be found at the Pay and Personnel Center CG Portal
site https://uscg.sharepoint‐mil.us/sites/ppc/SitePages/PPC%20Advancements
%20Service%20Validation%20and%20Data%20Corrections.aspx and is subject to
4. Advancements to BM2, CS2, DC2, EM2, ET2, and IT2 will be made using the
Supplemental List found at https://uscg.sharepoint‐mil.us/sites/ppc/Active
%20Duty%20Supplemental%20and%20Striker%20Advancement%20L/Forms/AllItems.aspx and
is subject to change.
5. Ref A for advancement to E‐5 through E‐8 and Ref B for advancement from E‐6
through E‐8 is effective 01 January 2024 through 16 December 2024. Members who
appear at or above the cutoff on Ref A and B areguaranteed advancement as long as
members remain eligible. Members above the cutoff are considered not eligible for
further SWE competition until they advance. Members below the cutoffs are highly
encouraged to participate in the next SWE competition provided they are eligible to
6. Per Ref C, the CO's recommendation for advancement is valid only for a
specific SWE competition and must be renewed for each succeeding competition.
The CO's recommendation for advancement must be maintained for the period from
recommendation to advancement. Members failing to maintain the CO's
recommendation for this period shall be invalidated from the SWE(s) in which
they participated. Members who are invalidated must be recommended and qualify
again through a new SWE competition.
7. Per Ref D, the requirement for all E‐6 members to attend the Chief Petty
Officer Academy (CPOACAD) prior to advancement to Chief Petty Officer is
temporarily suspended. Members must attend CPOACAD prior to advancement to E‐8,
Senior Chief Petty Officer. COMDT (CG‐1D2) is the Program Manager for the
enlisted leadership continuum and the single point of contact for all requests
for CPOACAD waivers.
8. Members and commands are reminded that, as outlined in Ref E, personnel who
compete for advancement must be prepared to be reassigned to fill authorized
positions at the next higher paygrade. Members who participated in the SWE and
are at or above the published cutoffs should apply for positions at the pay
grade to which they will advance.
9. Fleet‐Ups and Extensions:
a. AOs will continue to maximize fleet‐up opportunities where possible in
accordance with Ref D. Fleet‐ups are for members in non‐command cadre
b. Members advancing from the SWE will be considered for extensions based on the
needs of the service. Command endorsements are required for all
extension requests.
c. Members who are transferred prior to tour completion will retain their
current assignment priority (AP).
10. COs shall ensure basic eligibility and rating specific advancement
requirements are maintained per Ref B. When removing members from the SWE
advancement eligibility list(s) due to not meeting these requirements, the CO
shall advise PPC (ADV) by e‐mail at PPC‐DG‐CustomerCare(at)uscg.mil with CG PSC
‐EPM‐1 as information addressee at HQS‐SMB‐CGPSC‐EPM‐1‐Advancements(at)uscg.mil.
Additional guidance is available at https://uscg.sharepoint‐mil.us/sites/psc
11. CAPT J. W. Guyer, Chief, Enlisted Personnel Management Division, CG
Personnel Service Center, sends.
12. Internet released authorized.