Direct Access Competency Dictionary Update
By LT Brenda J. Rosado, CG-1B1, Future Force Project Division, USCG Headquarters (CG-1B1)
July 25, 2023 —
The Direct Access Competency Dictionary (file in MS Excel format) (a spreadsheet that shows all authorized competency codes and descriptions) has been updated by Commandant (CG-1B-1).
There were a total of 3 competency changes and a NOTE on the bottom since the latest Dictionary was published and changes since last updated are in blue font color text on the spreadsheet.
The changes for this month are as follows:
- 2 Competencies created:
- RFA – Reserve Force Advisor line 2644
- CNAB – CNAB line 2645
- 1 Inactivated:
- SPO TECH and it was replaced by PATECH line 2115
NOTE: IS004 A,J,M was deleted on lines 922, 923 and 924
- OSCF on line 2448 doesn’t show in CGBI
- SPOTECH was inactivated and replaced by PATECH which has been placed in line 2115 where SPOTECH was originally.
- CGSEI222 was deleted from the OSMS 2.0 Tab