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Office of Work-Life Programs : Operational Stress Control 

Operational Stress Control 

1. OSC Over view 

2. Stress and Resilience 

    a. Domains of Resilience       b.  Stress Signs   C. How to make stress your friend   d. Recalibration 

3. Mindfulness 

    a. Mindfulness Guidebook  b. Grounding Techniques 

4. Coast Guard Values and A culture of Excellence 

     a. Leadership Challenge Assessment   b. Progressive Muscle Relaxation 

5. Valued Living 

    a.  Life Reflection    b. Values Clarification   c. Box Breathing

6. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) 

     a. Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire 

7.  Flexible Thinking 

     a.  Diffusion and Distancing Techniques   b. Flexible Thinking Introduction   c. Replacing Unhelpful Thoughts   d. Responding to Difficult Emotions   e. Three Good Things. f. Guided Imagery 1  Guided Imagery 2 

8. Healthy Behaviors 

     a. Reference Page   b. SMART Goals   c. Tips For Better Sleep 

9. Problem Solving 

    a. Effective Coping 1    b. Effective Coping 2    c. Problem Solving Exercise   d. Counting Down

10. Critical Operational Stress First Aid 

      a. COSFA Scenarios     b. OSC Communication   c. The Seven C's of Stress First Aid  d. Counting Down   e. Body Scan    f, video

11. Buddy Care 

      a. Areas of Support           b. Communication    c.  Peer to peer Support 12.  Core Leader Functions Report

         a. communication

13.  Unit Assessment 

       a. Sample Questions    b. Sample Report   c.  Breath Awareness     d. Commanding Officer Report

14. Program (Unit ) Implementation 

       a. Flyer 1     b.  Flyer 2    c.  INDOC Sample   d. Leadership Sample    e.  POD   


Point of Contact
If you have questions about OSC, please contact Tim Merrell at timothy.m.merrell@uscg.mil