Pay & Personnel Center

Military Accounts Support (MAS) Branch

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Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724


Customer CarePPC-DG-CustomerCare@uscg.mil

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E-Mail Templates for PPC Trouble Tickets

E-Mail Templates for PPC Trouble Tickets

Leave Actions (Revised 2/8/2023) Updated (Added an example leave audit worksheet)

Maternity, Parental, or Adoption Leave

Reserve Orders Amendment

Net Pay Variance (NP500 Report)

Pay Audits (Revised 8/23/2019)

Out-of-Range Pay Adjustment (Revised 6/26/2019)

Tax Issues (Added 05/23/2022)

mLINQS (Added 8/18/2023) New

Statements of Creditable Service (SOCS) and Statements of Creditable Sea Service (SOCSS)

Transcripts of Sea Service (TOSS)


NOTE: Attachments and supporting documents are important to finding a resolution to your inquiry! Please use the following guide for assistance in submitting the right information: ADDING SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS

Leave Actions (Other than Maternity, Parental or Adoption)

Revised 05/16/2019


Please use this template - PPC TICKET FOR LEAVE ACTION (1.34 KB) - (Note: CG SharePoint link. File will open a new e-mail message) when contacting PPC to process a member's lump sum leave (LSL) or adjust a member's leave balance (see the template below if the leave type is maternity, parental or adoption).

Attach a SPO created Comprehensive SPO leave audit worksheet with computations that validates and explains the leave discrepancy. This document is created by the SPO preferably using MS Excel or MS Word. NOTE:  SPO Leave Discrepancy Audit requests that do not contain a comprehensive SPO audit worksheet will be closed by PPC with no action. Here is an example Leave Audit SpreadsheetEXCEL to work fromNew.

The template requires the following information:

1. Member's Name

2. Member's EMPLID:

4. Member's Unit:

5. Responsible SPO:

6. Name and EMPLID of the SPO Auditor:

Attached Leave audit document.

7. Action Requested: Process Lump Sum Leave (LSL) sell ##.# days.

8. Action Requested: Process Leave balance adjustment to add -OR- deduct [CHOOSE ONE] ##.# days.

9. Affected date range: MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY.

10. Number of Leave days earned (during the affected date range): ##.# days.

11. Number of Leave days used (during the affected date range): ##.# days.

12. Number of Leave days sold (during the affected date range): ##.# days.

13. List of dates for any Leave days canceled / denied:

14. Verify Leave Accumulator in Global Pay:  LEAVE ENT_BAL adjustment before changes XX on Calendar Group IDCXXXXX

15. Verify Leave Accumulator in Global Pay:  LEAVE ENT_BAL adjustment after changes XX on Calendar Group IDCXXXXX (updates overnight)

16. Attached Career Intentions Worksheet (CG-2045) - MUST have MBR & CMD valid signatures on or before the effective date of the transaction (i.e. separation, RELAD, EXT, REN, etc.). 

17. Details: (Example: On MM/DD/YYYY, SPO approved...Short-Term RSV Orders ending MM/DD/YYYY, Contract ####, Separation effective MM/DD/YYYY, etc. Please see attached Career Intentions Worksheet [must have MBR & CMD valid signatures on or before the effective date of the transaction].)

Maternity, Parental or Adoption Leave

Use this template PPC TICKET FOR MATERNITY, PARENTAL OR ADOPTION LEAVE (CG SharePoint link, file will open a new e-mail message) when contacting PPC for changes to maternity, parental or adoption leave.


1. Member's Name:

2. Member's EMPLID:

3. Member's Unit:

4. Responsible SPO:

5. Name and EMPLID of the SPO Auditor:

6. Action Requested: Process (CHOOSE CAREGIVER LEAVE) FOR ADJUSTMENT ##. # Days.

7. Birth of Dependent submitted DOB MM/DD/YYYY, (Dependent Data must be entered in Direct Access prior to sending this request!).

8. Action Requested: Process Leave balance adjustment to add -OR- deduct [CHOOSE ONE] ##. # Days.

9. Original Date Range of (CHOOSE CAREGIVER LEAVE) date range: MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY.

- Approved on MM/DD/YYYY, by SPO Auditor.

10. New Date Range of (CHOOSE CAREGIVER LEAVE) date range: MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. 

- Approved on MM/DD/YYYY, by SPO Auditor.

11. Original Date Range of LEAVE before correction: MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. 

- Approved on MM/DD/YYYY, by SPO Auditor.

12. New Date Range of LEAVE after correction: MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY.

- Approved on MM/DD/YYYY, by SPO Auditor.

13. Verify Leave Accumulator in Global Pay:  LEAVE ENT_BAL adjustment before changes XX on Calendar Group IDCXXXXX

14. Verify Leave Accumulator in Global Pay:  LEAVE ENT_BAL adjustment after changes XX on Calendar Group IDCXXXXX (updates overnight)

15. Details / concise narrative: (Example: On MM/DD/YYYY, SPO approved...changes for PATERNITY LEAVE, effective MM/DD/YYYY, etc. Please see attached leave audit.  Please adjustment leave balance XX days.

Reserve Orders Amendment


Please use this template PPC TICKET FOR RESERVE ORDERS AMENDMENT (1.91 KB) (CG SharePoint link, file will open a new e-mail message) when contacting PPC to process Reserve Orders Amendment actions that require Job Data corrections. Use of the template will help to ensure the following information is provided:


INSTRUCTIONS:  This is a template PPC Ticket designed for Reserve Orders  Amendment actions that require Job Data corrections.  Attach any necessary documentation and ensure valid signatures (i.e. Amendment memo, if not available in Direct Access).  While there may be multiple fields shown below, only fill in the information that has been changed.
NOTE:  There is some Direct Access terminology used below, as follows. 
ROB: Reserve Orders Begin row in Job Data in DA. 
ROE: Reserve Orders End row in Job Data in DA.

*Required field.


Request PPC action, as follows: 

*1. Member's Name:
*2. Member's EMPLID:
*3. Name and EMPLID of the SPO Auditor: 
*4. Subject Orders:  Trans ID __________ and type of orders ___________(i.e.
ADT-AT, ADOS-AC, Title 14, Title 10), for MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. 


5. SEQ 1 (Starts pay & allowances): 
A. Changed Position Number from _______ to _______.
B. Changed Department Number from _______ to _______.
C. Changed Travel Estimated Date from ________to _____.
D. Changed Travel Actual Date from _________ to _______.

6. SEQ 2 (Reports member to duty station): 
A. Changed Position Number from _______ to _______.
B. Changed Department Number from _______ to _______.
C. Changed Travel Estimated Date from _______ to _______.
D. Changed Travel Actual Date from _______ to _________
7. SEQ 98 (Departs member from duty station):
A. Changed Position Number from _______ to _______.
B. Changed Department Number from _______ to _______.
C. Changed Travel Estimated Date from ________ to _______.
D. Changed Travel Actual Date from ________ to _______.

8. SEQ 99 (Stops pay & allowances):
A. Changed Position Number from _______ to _______.
B. Changed Department Number from ______ to ______.
C. Changed Travel Estimated Date from ______ to ______.
D. Changed Travel Actual Date from _______ to ______.

** These items must be verified by the SPO after the amendment has been approved in Direct Access**
A. ROB row needs Pay Group changed from "USCGR" to "USCG."
B. "Use Pay Group Eligibility" checkbox needs to be unchecked.
C. "Eligibility Group" needs to be changed to (RSV LONG; RSV NOPAY; RSV SHORT1; RSV SHORT2; RSVTITLE10).
D. Job Data rows in between the ROB row and the ROE row need the Work Location to be changed to match the ROB row.  

NOTE:  The ROE row should not need any changes.  The ROE Pay Group should be "USCGR" and Setting for "Use Pay Group Eligibility" should be check-marked, and this should usually be the member's permanent unit that member is returning to. 

10. Remarks:
(Example: On MM/DD/YYYY, SPO amended...Title 14 Reserve Orders to change the end date from MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY, and the Unit was changed from Base Nevermind to Base Awesome.) 


Net Pay Variance


Please use this template PPC Ticket for Pay Variance (1.8KB) (CG SharePoint link, file will open a new e-mail message) when submitting a PPC ticket for a Net Pay variance discrepancy. If the pay difference has been reviewed by the SPO Auditor and SPO Chief and is determined to be in error, the SPO should make necessary corrections to pay transactions to remedy the error, if possible. After making corrections, if PPC (MAS) action is still required, submit a Customer Care ticket to MAS via PPC Customer Care. The SPO shall attach supporting documentation to the PPC ticket, when applicable.



A Net pay variance ticket has been submitted, as follows:

  1. Member rank and name:
  2. Member EMPLID:
  3. Name of pay item:
  4. What is the pay variance from current and previous pay calendars?:
  5. Effective date(s) entered:
  6. The date when the transaction was approved:
  7. Name and EMPLID of the SPO Auditor:
  8. Transaction details:
  9. What action are you requesting PPC to take?:

Trouble Ticket Template for Pay Audits

Please use this template PPC Ticket for Pay Audit Request when contacting PPC to process a Pay Audit for a member.  The Template requires the following information.

  1. Member’s Name.
  2. Member’s Emplid.
  3. Responsible SPO.
  4. Name and Emplid of the SPO Auditor
  5. Pay Earnings Audit Action Requested:
  6. Affected Date Range:  MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. (Check to see if Out-of-Range procedures are applicable).
  7. Have In-service Debt (ISD) EABP rows been reviewed and researched per the PPC Element Assignment by Payee user guide?
  8. Has the Understanding Job Data been reviewed and researched for the member in question? Common Examples: ROB/ROE rows for reservists are built and are in the correct pay group, incorrect step increases, incorrect basic pay on compensation tab.
  9. Have the Pay Calculations Results and Element Assignment by Payee (EABP) guides been reviewed and researched for the member in question?
  10. Attach a SPO created Comprehensive SPO audit worksheet with computations that validates and explains the pay discrepancy. This document is created by the SPO preferably using MS Excel or MS Word. NOTE:  SPO Pay Discrepancy Audit requests that do not contain a comprehensive SPO audit worksheet will be closed by PPC with no action. Requests for adjustments to Aviation Service Date, Officer Service Date, DIFOPS, DIFDEN, DIFPRO and/or OPFLY TIME still require Command Endorsement via CG Memo and AVip Worksheet. Career Sea Pay Premium (CSPP) still requires a CSPP Start Date Calculator Spreadsheet and CG-2036, Career Sea Pay Premium Worksheet. Special Duty Pay requires CG-2044, Special Duty Pay Worksheet. Leave inquiries will still require the PPC Ticket for Leave Action.
  11. Details:  Explain the alleged pay discrepancy in detail.

E-Mail Template for Out-of-Range Transactions Requiring Pay Adjustments


Pay transactions with effective dates more than 24 pay periods in the past (approximately a year) require special handling.

In Range

If a transaction is In Range, the entire affected period is within 24 pay periods or one year.

For instance…if BAH was started for the wrong BAH Quarter Status (like it was started with the without dependents rate instead of the with dependents rate or vice versa) when the member checked in 2 months ago, that correction would be considered In Range. Follow the BAH guide to make the change and the system will automatically correct the appropriate calendars and either create a debt or credit the member.

Out of Range

If a transaction is Out of Range, the affected period includes dates older than 24 pay periods or one year. ALL Out of Range transactions that need a pay adjustment require a PPC Customer Care ticket  (Note:  Do not submit a ticket if there is no pay adjustment needed. For example, a BAH zip code is being corrected from 66684 to 66683, and there is no change in monthly BAH amount the member received. No pay adjustment, do not submit a ticket.).

For instance…if a member divorced over a year ago and had no other dependents and just told their SPO about it (that never happens, right?), that correction would be considered Out of Range. Follow the BAH guide to make the change and the system will correct the most recent 24 pay calendars but a PPC Customer Care ticket must be submitted so all earlier calendars can be manually adjusted by PPC-MAS. The guide specifically tells the user to take screen shots of what the member currently has before making any changes so they can be attached to the trouble ticket. This will assist the pay techs in MAS when they are making their manual adjustments. This is especially critical when you have to delete rows of any kind. Once those deletions are approved by a SPO auditor, they are gone forever. So please remember to include those screen shots with your tickets.

Procedure for Out of Range Transactions

When a SPO enters a pay related transaction with any effective dates that are older than one year (more than 24 pay calendars in the past), Direct Access will not process that transaction - This is defined as an "out of range transaction". The SPO must follow these steps:

  1. Enter the transaction into Direct Access;
  2. Approve the transaction in Direct Access;
  3. If the transaction requires a pay adjustment, submit a ticket to PPC Customer Care with a description and the following information (Note: You can use this Outlook template above to launch an email ticket): 
    1. Member rank and name
    2. Member employee ID
    3. Name of entitlement(s)
    4. Effective date(s) entered
    5. Name and EMPLID of the SPO Auditor
    6. Reason the transaction was submitted out-of-range
    7. Screen shots of any deleted rows
    8. Transaction details
    9. The date when the transaction was approved
    10. Detailed pay adjustment needed (Reminder: If there's no pay adjustment necessary, a ticket isn't necessary). Include CG-2036, Career Sea Pay Premium Worksheet or Special Duty Pay requires CG-2044, Special Duty Pay Worksheet if applicable. 

Additional Information

Review the Global Pay Framework and the Global Pay Terminology topics in the Direct Access / Global Pay Knowledge base to learn more about the payroll process.

Related Resources

Guide: How to take “screen shots” and submit trouble tickets with supporting images.

Tax Information

Attach a copy of the member's current IRS form W-4 to all trouble tickets for tax issues. 

In order to determine if there are any programming problems or if DA is calculating taxes correctly,  a copy of members W-4 is required. This is based on the guidance provided by IRS in Publication 15-T. There are certain areas that are only filled out on the actual W-4 that is needed information in order for us to calculate what system should be doing.  


PPC Customer Care Ticket for mLINQS 

With mLINQS coming online as the primary Travel Claim system, please ensure you provide the following information in your PPC Customer Care Ticket so that PPC (TVL) receives the applicable information needed to process your inquiry:

1. Member's Name / Rank:     (must be and AO E5/GS7 or above. If not, please see your local AO/Admin)

2. Member's EMPLID:

3. Member's Unit:

5. DOD ID (on back of CAC card):

6. Role of member: (AO / Admin etc):

7. Date mLINQS training was completed:

8. Action Requested: new account, systems inquiry etc:

9. mLINQS guide used on the mLINQS travel page if system issue is the inquiry:

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