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Office of Work-Life Programs: Military Leader's Economic Security Toolkit


This toolkit is available to CG leaders and personnel to support the economic security of service members and families. Resources range from how leaders can start conversations to assess food insecurity and financial well-being to housing resources / entitlements and additional resources.


Taking Care of Service Members and Families 


Conversation and Assessing Food Insecurity


Food Insecurity:  What Leaders need to know


Housing Resources Available to Service Members


Financial Well-Being An Overview for Commanders 


Food Security Resources and Support Programs 


Engaging in Conversation & Assessing Financial Well-Being  


Securing Service Members Financial Well-Being 


Resources to Support Service Members Financial Well-Being 


Affordable Housing


Temporary Lodging Expense




If you are unable to contact the Personal Financial Manager at your nearest Work-Life Office, or need additional assistance beyond the information provided here, please contact the Headquarters Personal Financial Management Program Specialist, Ms. Joi Tann at (202) 372-1594, or email at